Monthly Archives: novembre 2018

Polish Ghettoes

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The case of a death in a Roma ghetto in Maszkowice in South Eastern Poland prompts a discussion on living conditions.

– Śmierć przyszła do Romów w Maszkowicach, bo nikt do nich nie przychodził? In: Sadeczanin. 28.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Gypsy Tales

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A new book of Gypsy tales which has nothing to do with Gypsies nor with anything remotely close to them… Interview with the Author.

– Cigány újmesék egy kincsesbarlang mélyéből. In: Nepszava. 29.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Budapest Tours …

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Another article about the tours organised by Roma of the 8th district of the city.
Good project!

– Cigány önkéntesekkel sétáltunk a nyolcker legveszélyesebb negyedében. In: Zoom. 25.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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A healthy debate in Spain about the portrayal of Roma in movies has been prompted by the two films that were directed by non-Roma.

– Two films prompt a debate about portrayals of Spain’s Roma on screen. In: The Economist. 29.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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The tales of several Roma children from Slovakia who were adopted in Sweden.

– Romani people adopted as children from Slovakia to Sweden 20 years ago revisit their native settlement. In: Romea. 29.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Roma Mayors

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There are 41 mayors in Slovakia who are Roma. Highest number ever, but well below the Roma population percentage in the country. Still some way to go.

– Slovakia has 41 Romani mayors – 39 male and two female – a record high. In: Romea. 13.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Dutch Rail to pay

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The Dutch Railway is to pay compensation to Holocaust survivors and their relatives for having transported people to the Westerbrock Transit camp. Under the victims where several Roma and Sinti families.

– Holocaust: Dutch rail firm NS to pay families compensation. In: BBC News. 28.11.2018.
– Dutch to pay holocaust compensation. In: The Nation. 29.11.2018. [link-preview url=” “]


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A study on school children between 6 and 13 shows that they know little about Roma (and Jews). Well, we dread to know what the ones who know about Roma actually have in their heads…

– Vorurteile: Grundschüler wissen wenig über Roma und Juden. In: BR. 28.11.2018.,RAgXmes [link-preview url=”,RAgXmes”]

Health Care and Roma

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A pilot health care approach among the Roma population of Madrid centring on women.
Well done!

– Gypsy women in Spain poised to start a health revolution. In: El Pais. 27.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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A new book highlights the stereotypes on Roma between the their arrival in Europe and now.

– From 18th Century ‘kidnap’ to Big Fat Gypsy Weddings: New book tackles negative stereotypes of travellers. In: The Yorkshire Post. 27.11.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Budapest: City Tours

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Roma volunteers are organising walking tours of the 8th district in Budapest, a district whose population is overwhelmingly Roma. The tours offer the opportunity to meet Roma and confront some of the stereotypes.

– Megsétáltatják a turistákat a cigánylányok a nyolckerben. In: Index. 24.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Roma Spirit 2018

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The laureates of the Roma Spirit 2018 have been disclosed in Slovakia. The prizes go to organisations and individuals in various categories who are furthering Roma and their integration.

– Poznáme laureátov jubilejného 10. ročníka Roma Spirit. In: Hlavne spravy. 27.11.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Anna Jurova

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Anna Jurova, a Sloval scholar, died November 13.
May she rest in peace.

– A great Slovak. In: The Slovak Spectator. 26.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia and Education

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According to Abel Ravacs, the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Roma Communities, pre-school education is the right mean to further Roma integration in Slovakia.
Many people came to that conclusion around 25 years ago… What has been done? Nothing so far.

– Ravasz: Zavedenie predškolskej výchovy je správnym smerom v integrácii Rómov. In: Pravda. 25.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Casamonica … More of it

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Yet another article on the Casamonica mafia clan. Why does one always have to mention they are Roma …

– Rom lässt Luxusvillen von Mafia-Clan abreißen. In: Die Welt. 22.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Sinti et Roms

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No comments …

– Prekäre Situation bei den Sintis: «Wir wollen nicht pauschalisiert werden». In: Tagblatt. 15.11.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Czechoslovakia: The First Republic

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An article about the fate of Roma in the First Republic of Czechoslovakia between 1918 and 1939. Already there, in spite of a constitution that guaranteed equality to all citizen, Roma were singled out and from 1928 onward, registered.

– Rómovia v prvej republike. In: Pravda. 24.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Poland – Bad

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A story about 5 Roma who were recently arrested for “terrorising” and for theft in an estate in Western Poland. Bad is that they people are deemed of “Romani Nationality” …

– Leszno: Policja zatrzymała pięciu Romów, którzy terroryzowali mieszkańców osiedla na Gronowie. In: Glos Wielkopolski. 21.11.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Roma and Serbia

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A reportage and an article in the Belgian press on the situation of Roma in Serbia and the constant discriminations they are facing.

– La minorité rom en Serbie: des discriminations tenaces (reportage). In: RTBF. 18.11.2018.
– “En centre fermé, c’était le stress, ici en Serbie c’est le stress”: la maman rom enfermée à Steenokkerzeel témoigne. In: Vivreici. 21.11.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

French Chronicle …

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Not many news in France this week, probably due to the current manifestations in the country…
In the news, a portrait of a young Romanian Romni who is in high school, which highlights the difficulties to get into a school. Another article on 8, Rue Lénine, the new movie on Roma. An open letter addressed to the prefect of the Val de Marne, to ask for a strategy to on Roma camps. And finally, several articles on a squat of Roma in Buchelay who are allowed to stay.

– Ana-Maria, 16 ans : «Ma vie entre le bidonville et le lycée». In: Le Parisien. 20.11.2018.
– Anna Pitoun: “Filmer c’est écouter avant de regarder”. In: France Culture. 20.11.2018.
– Val-de-Marne : lettre ouverte au préfet sur le sort des Roms. In: Le Parisen. 22.11.2018.
– Buchelay : le tribunal administratif de Versailles suspend l’expulsion des Roms. In: Le Parisien. 19.11.2018.
– Les Roms de Buchelay obtiennent un sursis. In: La Gazette des Yvelines. 22.11.2018.
– Yvelines. Buchelay : de squat en squat, itinéraire d’un Rom. In: 20.11.2018. [link-preview url=” “]