Daily Archives: novembre 3, 2018

Oxford and Germany

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Alice Weidel, of the German far right party AfD pulled out of an event at the Oxford Union following a controversy on her appearance there due to racists comments she has made in Germany. For example there were reports that Weidel had written that Germany was being “overrun by culturally alien peoples such as Arabs, Sinti and Roma”.

– Far-right German politician pulls out of Oxford Union event. In: The Guardian. 02.11.2018. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/nov/02/far-right-german-politician-pulls-out-of-oxford-union-event [link-preview url=”https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/nov/02/far-right-german-politician-pulls-out-of-oxford-union-event”]

Politicians and Violence

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An article on the influence of politicians’ speeches and violence. Well said – when Kotleba, a far right politician calls Roma “parasites” – he effectively calls for their eradication.
This has to stop – in all countries.

– Verejnosť v novembri 1989 odmietala násilie, ale dnes ho časť verejnosti víta. In: Dennik. 02.11.2018. https://dennikn.sk/1280741/verejnost-v-novembri-1989-odmietala-nasilie-ale-dnes-ho-cast-verejnosti-vita/ [link-preview url=”https://dennikn.sk/1280741/verejnost-v-novembri-1989-odmietala-nasilie-ale-dnes-ho-cast-verejnosti-vita/”]

Roma Camp

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In Live’s Solomensky district Roma set up a camp right in the middle of the courtyard of a multi-storey apartment building.
Not a good advertisement.

– Во дворе жилого дома на Соломенке появился лагерь ромов. In: Vesti. 02.11.2018. https://vesti-ukr.com/kiev/310896-vo-dvore-zhiloho-doma-na-solomenke-pojavilsja-laher-romov [link-preview url=”https://vesti-ukr.com/kiev/310896-vo-dvore-zhiloho-doma-na-solomenke-pojavilsja-laher-romov”]

Roma Camp

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In Live’s Solomensky district Roma set up a camp right in the middle of the courtyard of a multi-storey apartment building.
Not a good advertisement.

– Во дворе жилого дома на Соломенке появился лагерь ромов. In: Vesti. 02.11.2018. https://vesti-ukr.com/kiev/310896-vo-dvore-zhiloho-doma-na-solomenke-pojavilsja-laher-romov [link-preview url=”https://vesti-ukr.com/kiev/310896-vo-dvore-zhiloho-doma-na-solomenke-pojavilsja-laher-romov”]

Ethnic Killings

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The list of known ethnic killings or Roma in 2017 and 2018.
May they rest in peace.

– ETHNIC KILLINGS CLAIMED FIFTEEN ROMA IN 2017/18. In: The Norwich Radical. 02.11.2018. https://thenorwichradical.com/2018/11/02/ethnic-killings-claimed-fifteen-roma-in-2017-18/ [link-preview url=”https://thenorwichradical.com/2018/11/02/ethnic-killings-claimed-fifteen-roma-in-2017-18/”]
