Daily Archives: novembre 25, 2018

Czechoslovakia: The First Republic

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An article about the fate of Roma in the First Republic of Czechoslovakia between 1918 and 1939. Already there, in spite of a constitution that guaranteed equality to all citizen, Roma were singled out and from 1928 onward, registered.

– Rómovia v prvej republike. In: Pravda. 24.11.2018. https://nazory.pravda.sk/analyzy-a-postrehy/clanok/492467-romovia-v-prvej-republike/ [link-preview url=”https://nazory.pravda.sk/analyzy-a-postrehy/clanok/492467-romovia-v-prvej-republike/”]

Poland – Bad

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A story about 5 Roma who were recently arrested for “terrorising” and for theft in an estate in Western Poland. Bad is that they people are deemed of “Romani Nationality” …

– Leszno: Policja zatrzymała pięciu Romów, którzy terroryzowali mieszkańców osiedla na Gronowie. In: Glos Wielkopolski. 21.11.2018. https://gloswielkopolski.pl/leszno-policja-zatrzymala-pieciu-romow-ktorzy-terroryzowali-mieszkancow-osiedla-na-gronowie/ar/13682652 [link-preview url=”https://gloswielkopolski.pl/leszno-policja-zatrzymala-pieciu-romow-ktorzy-terroryzowali-mieszkancow-osiedla-na-gronowie/ar/13682652″]

Roma and Serbia

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A reportage and an article in the Belgian press on the situation of Roma in Serbia and the constant discriminations they are facing.

– La minorité rom en Serbie: des discriminations tenaces (reportage). In: RTBF. 18.11.2018. https://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_la-minorite-rom-en-serbie-des-discriminations-tenaces?id=10076074
– “En centre fermé, c’était le stress, ici en Serbie c’est le stress”: la maman rom enfermée à Steenokkerzeel témoigne. In: Vivreici. 21.11.2018. http://www.vivreici.be/article/detail_en-centre-ferme-c-etait-le-stress-ici-en-serbie-c-est-le-stress-la-maman-rom-enfermee-a-steenokkerzeel-temoigne?id=229516 [link-preview url=”https://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_la-minorite-rom-en-serbie-des-discriminations-tenaces?id=10076074 “]

French Chronicle …

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Not many news in France this week, probably due to the current manifestations in the country…
In the news, a portrait of a young Romanian Romni who is in high school, which highlights the difficulties to get into a school. Another article on 8, Rue Lénine, the new movie on Roma. An open letter addressed to the prefect of the Val de Marne, to ask for a strategy to on Roma camps. And finally, several articles on a squat of Roma in Buchelay who are allowed to stay.

– Ana-Maria, 16 ans : «Ma vie entre le bidonville et le lycée». In: Le Parisien. 20.11.2018. http://www.leparisien.fr/societe/ana-maria-16-ans-ma-vie-entre-le-bidonville-et-le-lycee-20-11-2018-7947030.php
– Anna Pitoun: “Filmer c’est écouter avant de regarder”. In: France Culture. 20.11.2018. https://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/par-les-temps-qui-courent/anna-pitoun
– Val-de-Marne : lettre ouverte au préfet sur le sort des Roms. In: Le Parisen. 22.11.2018. http://www.leparisien.fr/val-de-marne-94/val-de-marne-lettre-ouverte-au-prefet-sur-le-sort-des-roms-22-11-2018-7950246.php
– Buchelay : le tribunal administratif de Versailles suspend l’expulsion des Roms. In: Le Parisien. 19.11.2018. http://www.leparisien.fr/yvelines-78/buchelay-le-tribunal-administratif-de-versailles-suspend-l-expulsion-des-roms-19-11-2018-7946709.php
– Les Roms de Buchelay obtiennent un sursis. In: La Gazette des Yvelines. 22.11.2018. https://lagazette-yvelines.fr/2018/11/22/les-roms-de-buchelay-obtiennent-un-sursis/
– Yvelines. Buchelay : de squat en squat, itinéraire d’un Rom. In: Actu.fr. 20.11.2018. https://actu.fr/ile-de-france/buchelay_78118/yvelines-buchelay-squat-squat-itineraire-dun-rom_19667501.html [link-preview url=”https://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/par-les-temps-qui-courent/anna-pitoun “]
