Monthly Archives: novembre 2018

Not Good

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Yet another headline we could do without … This time on Slovak Roma in the UK.

– Police probe ‘whip attack’ by children in Sheffield. In: BBC News. 22.11.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Sachsen Anhalt and Roma Graves

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The German state of Sachsen Anhalt wants to preserve the graves of Sinti and Roma victims of the Holocaust as a reminder for future generations. In Germany, if the family doesn’t renew the concession, the graves are removed after 60 years.

– Land will Gräber der Sinti und Roma erhalten. In: RTL. 20.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Romeo Franz and Duisburg

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The EU MEP and Sino Romeo Franz on the integration of Roma and their presence in Duisburg, where their presence has resulted in quite a bit of controversy. He is right: the issue is racism.

– EU-Parlamentarier Franz: “Roma werden in Duisburg bleiben”. In: WAZ. 22.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Nitra – New community Centre

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The Slovak town of Nitra published a competition for the construction of a community centre for Roma living in the Orechov dvor site on the outskirts of the city.
They had deemed the old one no longer fit for purpose and closed it.

– Výstavbu komunitného centra pre Rómov. Nitra vypísala súťaž. In: Dennik. 23.11.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Slovakia: Employment

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An article on the difficulties of getting long term unemployed or rather never-employed into the workforce.
A good job here.

– Keď zamestnáva Róm Rómov, ich vzájomná dôvera je hlbšia. In: SME. 19.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Sweden: Not that Good

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Sweden is a safe haven, unless you are a migrant or a Rom. Discrimination seems to be the norm.

– Sweden: Homeless Roma and other EU migrants face widespread discrimination and dangerous conditions. In: Amnesty International. 23.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Ukraine: Repression

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The Roma as targets. Scary.

– Ukraine: Roma Repression. In: Al Jazeera. 22.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Ukraine – Roma Situation

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The situation of Roma in the Ukraine … Pogroms are becoming the norm.

– Attacked and abandoned: Ukraine’s forgotten Roma. In: Al Jazeera. 23.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia and Work

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Criticism of the current Slovak Government package on Roma employment. Too little, too late, and an unclear concept…

– Vládny balík k podpore zamestnávania Rómov prišiel neskoro. In: SME. 21.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Bad …

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No comments, but it is not good for all…

– ‘Leave your toys, today you married your bride’: Boy, 10, ‘marries’, eight-year-old girl in Romanian gypsy ceremony. In: The Daily Mail. 20.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

More on Casamonica

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It is literally everywhere… Bad for us.

– ‘The party is over’: Rome police evict mobsters from eight luxury villas. In: The London Free Press. 20.11.2018.
– Rome police seize ‘gaudfather’ villas. In: Eurasia Times. [link-preview url=” “]

Bulgaria: Mothers Manifest

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Mothers of handicapped children have been manifesting in Bulgaria to complain about the help they get and about the minister in charge, Mr. Simeonov who said disparaging things about Roma suggesting among others that they created the handicaps so as to get money from the state.
He should be fired.

– Bulgarie : des mères d’enfants handicapés contre le pouvoir. In: Handicap. [link-preview url=””]


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Further raids on the houses of the notorious Casamonica Mafia clan of Sinti. They have made the deadlines for a while now, and this is bad publicity for Roma overall.

– Casamonica, maxi-blitz per abbattere otto ville del clan al Quadraro: in campo 500 uomini e la sindaca Virginia Raggi. In: Il Fatto Quotidiano. 20.11.2018.
– Chi sono i Casamonica: tutto sulla famiglia che controlla Roma Sud. In: Roma Today. 20.11.2018.
– Rome police seize eight Casamonica mafia villas. In: BBC News. 20.11.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Evictions in Italy

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The Italian government is evicting migrants and Roma, with hundreds of them put on the street. This is not a good thing.

– Hundreds of Refugees, Roma Homeless in Italian Eviction Drive. In: VOA News. 14.11.2018.
– Hundreds of refugees and Roma homeless in Italian eviction drive. In: Relief Web. 14.11.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

UK: Hounded

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Seems that UK is not exactly the right place for travellers nowadays…

– Gypsy and traveller families ‘hounded out’ of areas in act of ‘social cleansing’ as councils impose sweeping bans. In: The independent. 19.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Breitbart Again

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TO be expected, this site gloating about the threats from a mayor of an Italian town, threatening to bulldoze Roma camps and make them pay for it.
Or when idiocy meets demagogy…

– Populist Italian Mayor Promises to Bulldoze Roma Squatter Camp and Make Them Pay For It. 18.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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Many news on camps this week. Main topic, a camp near Paris in Buchelay. The camp is slated for closure but there is no alternative. In the North, a collective defending Roma is set for the long term. They have done a real good job so far. In Western France, in Nantes, a camp burnt down after a fight. In Toulouse, 30 children live in unacceptable conditions; in Sète, in the South of France, a camp is slowly emptying; in Nice, a place to help children after school has just opened; and in the Alps, a squat was evacuated.

– Buchelay : les Roms ne veulent pas partir. In: Le Parisien. 16.11.2018.
– Buchelay : expulsion imminente pour les Roms. In: Le Parisien. 12.11.2018.
– Yvelines. Buchelay : les Roms à la rue après l’expulsion ? In: 13.11.2018.
– Yvelines. Mantes-la-Jolie : pas de rencontre entre les Roms et le sous-préfet. In: 16.11.2018.
– Pourquoi le collectif roms de Roubaix et environs veut travailler dans la durée. In: La Voix du Nord. 14.11.2018.
– Après un « été terrible » d’expulsions, le collectif Roms guette l’éclaircie. In: L Voix du Nord. 15.11.2018.
– Après une rixe, un camp de Roms brûle, au sud de Nantes. In: 16.11.2018.
– Sète : le camp de roms s’est vidé peu à peu. In: Midi Libre. 16.11.2018.,4864388.php
– Sète : le camp de Roms se vide peu à peu. In: Midi Libre. 15.11.2018.,4862592.php
– Trente enfants dans un campement indigne aux Arènes. In: La Dépèche. 16.11.2018.
– Un local pour soutenir les enfants après l’école. In: Nice Matin. 17.11.2018.
– Les Roms ont été évacués du moulin. In: Le Dauphiné. [link-preview url=” “]

8, Avenue Lenine

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More articles on the movie highlighting the fate of a Roma family in France. Good that the coverage is there.

– 8 avenue Lénine : “Un film sur les Roms mais aussi sur les Français”. In: Grazia. 18.11.2018.
– Le docu “8, avenue Lénine” a suivi une famille rom roumaine pendant 15 ans. In: France 24. 15.11.2018.
– 8 avenue Lénine : le combat d’une famille rom pour l’intégration (documentaire. In: CCFD Terre Solidaires. 13.11.2018.
– Une bouffée d’oxygène en ces temps moisis. In: Mediaspart. 19.11.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Paris Exhibition

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An exhibition in Paris is devoted to the “internment” of Roma and travellers in France during the Vichy Régime.

– Die Internierung der „Nomaden“ – eine französische Geschichte. In: Deutschlandfunk. 17.11.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Exhibition on Holocaust

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The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance launched a digital exhibition on the Roma and Sinti Holocaust. Worth checking.

– Digital Exhibition about Genocide of Sinti and the Roma accompanied by Stories about Hungary, Croatia and Romania. In: IHRA. [link-preview url=””]