Daily Archives: décembre 6, 2018

Košice: Hiring

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The public transports of Košice are hiring Roma … In fact already many work there, they just want more.
Not due to philanthropy, but to the fact that they can’t find anyone.

– Košické technické služby v novej kampani hovoria, že do zimnej údržby radi prijmú aj Rómov. In: Dennik. 04.12.2018. https://dennikn.sk/1316040/kosicke-technicke-sluzby-v-novej-kampani-hovoria-ze-do-zimnej-udrzby-radi-prijmu-aj-romov/
– Košická firma bojuje v náborovej kampani proti predsudkom v zamestnávaní Rómov. In: Strategie. 05.12.2018. https://strategie.hnonline.sk/marketing/1854126-kosicka-firma-bojuje-v-naborovej-kampani-proti-predsudkom-v-zamestnavani-romov

Housing in Slovakia

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A Slovak architect says that Slovakia has the money and all that is needed to give proper housing to the Roma community. Only the municipalities willing to take the step are missing.
How true.

– Domy pre Rómov? Máme peniaze aj systém, chýbajú len ochotné obce, hovorí architektka. In: Tyzden. 05.12.2018. https://www.tyzden.sk/rozhovory/52065/domy-pre-romov-mame-peniaze-aj-system-chybaju-len-ochotne-obce-hovori-architektka/
