Daily Archives: décembre 17, 2018

Inclusion and Health

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In a commentary prepared by experts from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Institute of Health Policy (IZP) at the Ministry of Health, analysts of the Financial Policy Institute (IFP) at the Ministry of Finance say that “Anti-discrimination measures, financial support to overcome barriers of Roma to access services, improved living conditions, housing and basic infrastructure, such as access to water and sanitation infrastructure,” are necessary in the country.

– Odborníci tvrdia, že inklúzia Rómov je potrebná aj v zdravotníctve. In: SME. 16.12.2018. https://domov.sme.sk/c/22009768/odbornici-tvrdia-ze-inkluzia-romov-je-potrebna-aj-v-zdravotnictve.html [link-preview url=”https://domov.sme.sk/c/22009768/odbornici-tvrdia-ze-inkluzia-romov-je-potrebna-aj-v-zdravotnictve.html”]

Poland: The Story Continues

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The story of the new house in Limanowa continues. The municipality wanted to buy a house in another village to house their Roma who live in dreadful conditions. The other commune pre-empted the buy.
It is not the first try and such a case went to court.

– Gmina Limanowa nie kupi domu dla wielodzietnej rodziny Romów? Budynek chce kupić inny samorząd. In: Limanowa. 13.12.2018. https://limanowa.in/aktualnosci/gmina-limanowa-nie-kupi-domu-dla-wielodzietnej-rodziny-romow-budynek-chce-kupic-inny-samorzad/43696 [link-preview url=”https://limanowa.in/aktualnosci/gmina-limanowa-nie-kupi-domu-dla-wielodzietnej-rodziny-romow-budynek-chce-kupic-inny-samorzad/43696″]

Ukraine: Wedding …

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A lavish Roma wedding made it to Ukrainian national television. Something we really don’t need …

– Пара ромів з Ужгорода вразила Україну розкішним весіллям на національному телепроекті (ВІДЕО). In: 0312. 13.12.2018. https://www.0312.ua/news/2246195/para-romiv-z-uzgoroda-vrazila-ukrainu-rozkisnim-vesillam-na-nacionalnomu-teleproekti-video [link-preview url=”https://www.0312.ua/news/2246195/para-romiv-z-uzgoroda-vrazila-ukrainu-rozkisnim-vesillam-na-nacionalnomu-teleproekti-video”]
