Daily Archives: décembre 21, 2018

Rimini: Protest

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Sinti and Roma in Rimini protested in front of the municipality on the failure of the local government to apply the measures for social inclusion of the minority.

– Rimini, la protesta di Rom e Sinti: “Maggioranza va dietro alla Lega”. In: Ciama mi citta. 19.12.2018. https://www.chiamamicitta.it/rimini-la-protesta-rom-sinti-maggioranza-va-dietro-alla-lega/ [link-preview url=”https://www.chiamamicitta.it/rimini-la-protesta-rom-sinti-maggioranza-va-dietro-alla-lega/”]

AfD and Roma

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The extreme right party AfD in the German state of Baden Württemberg voted against a treaty between the state and the German association of Sinti and Roma. Not suprising, unfortunately.

– AfD lehnt kontraproduktiven Sinti-und-Roma-Staatsvertrag wegen unverantwortlicher Änderungen zum Vorgänger ab. In: Presseportal. 19.12.2018. https://www.presseportal.de/pm/127902/4148169 [link-preview url=”https://www.presseportal.de/pm/127902/4148169″]

Albania: Won

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The Roma community of Fushë-Kruja in Albania has won a case against the government on discrimination based of it not providing clean water and sanitation.

– Roma Community Wins Discrimination Case against Albanian Gov’t. In: Exit. 14.12.2018. https://exit.al/en/2018/12/14/roma-community-wins-discrimination-case-against-albanian-government/ [link-preview url=”https://exit.al/en/2018/12/14/roma-community-wins-discrimination-case-against-albanian-government/”]
