Daily Archives: décembre 30, 2018


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The fate of a Slovak Rom adopted at the age of one and a half in Sweden. Interview and a proof of what the environment can do …

– Narodil sa v osade, adoptovali si ho Švédi: Vo Švédsku sa k migrantom správajú asi ako Slováci k Rómom. In: Dennik. 28.12.2018. https://dennikn.sk/1335595/narodil-sa-v-osade-adoptovali-si-ho-svedi-vo-svedsku-sa-k-migrantom-spravaju-asi-ako-slovaci-k-romom/ [link-preview url=”https://dennikn.sk/1335595/narodil-sa-v-osade-adoptovali-si-ho-svedi-vo-svedsku-sa-k-migrantom-spravaju-asi-ako-slovaci-k-romom/”]

Lvov Attacks

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The preliminary enquiry in the attack on a Roma camp in Lvov in May that left one Rom dead and three injured has been completed. One adult and two minors were involved in the murder.

– Нападение на ромов во Львове: завершено досудебное расследование. In: Fokus. 28.12.2018. https://focus.ua/ukraine/416278-napadenie-na-romov-vo-lvove-sud-vynes-prigovor.html [link-preview url=”https://focus.ua/ukraine/416278-napadenie-na-romov-vo-lvove-sud-vynes-prigovor.html”]

News of the Year in Australia

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Unfortunately, Roma made it …

– A billion-dollar bust, gypsy teen brides and a web of lies: Catch up on the ABC’s best long reads of 2018. In: ABC. 30.12.2018. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-12-29/abcs-best-long-reads-of-the-year-2018-virginia-trioli/10668510 [link-preview url=”https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-12-29/abcs-best-long-reads-of-the-year-2018-virginia-trioli/10668510″]

French Chronicle …

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Almost no news in France for the last French Chronicle of 2018. Christmas for Roma children in Marseilles; Christmas near Paris; and a book on migration. Finally, an article on fake news using the picture of the petite ceinture camp near Paris (losed a long while back) but with interesting statistics on people living in camps.

– Framboise met du soleil et de l’art dans les squats. In: La Marseillaise. 26.12.2018. http://www.lamarseillaise.fr/marseille/societe/74148-framboise-met-du-soleil-et-de-l-art-dans-les-squats
– Créteil-Bonneuil : la Cabane des associations sur tous les fronts. In: Le Parisien. 26.12.2018. http://www.leparisien.fr/val-de-marne-94/creteil-bonneuil-la-cabane-des-associations-sur-tous-les-fronts-26-12-2018-7976904.php
– Vient de paraître : «La Ville Accueillante». In: Le Moniteur. 24.12.2018. https://www.lemoniteur.fr/article/vient-de-paraitre-la-ville-accueillante.2012054
– Les Fake News de la semaine. In: Le Tribunal du Net. http://www.letribunaldunet.fr/actualites/fake-news-semaine-3.html [link-preview url=”https://www.lemoniteur.fr/article/vient-de-paraitre-la-ville-accueillante.2012054 “]
