Daily Archives: décembre 31, 2018

Slovakia and Labour

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The Vice-Governor of the Slovak Central Bank, Ľudovít Ódor, said in an interview that
“It is high time to talk more openly about controlled migration, activation of the Roma minority, brain drain and education system in Slovakia.” The focus is on getting more skilled worked in the country.

– SLOVENSKO potrebuje riadenú MIGRÁCIU a RÓMOV aktivizovať. In: Dennik. 28.12.2018. http://dennikpolitika.sk/archiv/51321 [link-preview url=”http://dennikpolitika.sk/archiv/51321”]

Ukraine: More on the Attack

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Law enforcers completed a pre-trial investigation into the attack on the Roma camp in Lviv in May 2018 which resulted in one dead Rom and there injured ones. A criminal case against an adult organizer and nine juvenile offenders were transferred to court. This is on Friday, December 28, according to the prosecutor’s office of the region.

– Напад на табір ромів у Львові: розслідування завершилося. In: Korrespondent. 28.12.2018. https://ua.korrespondent.net/city/lvov/4048504-napad-na-tabir-romiv-u-lvovi-rozsliduvannia-zavershylosia
– Розслідування нападу на табір ромів у Львові завершено: 10 осіб постануть перед судом. In: Warta 1. 28.12.2018. https://varta1.com.ua/rozsliduvannya-napadu-na-tabir-romiv-u-lvovi-zaversheno-10-osib-postanut-pered-sudom/ [link-preview url=”https://ua.korrespondent.net/city/lvov/4048504-napad-na-tabir-romiv-u-lvovi-rozsliduvannia-zavershylosia “]

Budapest: Roma Theatre

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The tale of a group of young Roma actors who perform all over Hungary and now maybe beyond.

– Cigánynak akartam születni, mert cigánynak lenni jó. In: 444. 26.12.2018. https://444.hu/2018/12/26/ciganynak-akartam-szuletni-mert-ciganynak-lenni-jo [link-preview url=”https://444.hu/2018/12/26/ciganynak-akartam-szuletni-mert-ciganynak-lenni-jo”]
