Daily Archives: janvier 9, 2019

Roma and Work

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An article against the standard stereotype in Slovakia that Roma do not want to work. In fact, it is more the Gadže who don’t let them to.

– Najväčšiu úctu k práci majú Rómovia, ani sa jej nedotknú. Je to naozaj tak? In: SME Blogs. 08.01.2019. https://nagyova.blog.sme.sk/c/499697/najvacsiu-uctu-k-praci-maju-romovia-ani-sa-jej-nedotknu-je-to-naozaj-tak.html [link-preview url=”https://nagyova.blog.sme.sk/c/499697/najvacsiu-uctu-k-praci-maju-romovia-ani-sa-jej-nedotknu-je-to-naozaj-tak.html”]

Slovenia and Burials

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The central cemetery of Žale in Ljubljana is still refusing to re-bury Roma victims of World War Two…
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– Javno podjetje Žale še kar zavrača pokop izvensodno umorjenih Romov. In: Reporter. 08.01.2019. https://reporter.si/clanek/slovenija/javno-podjetje-zale-se-kar-zavraca-pokop-izvensodno-umorjenih-romov-680079 [link-preview url=”https://reporter.si/clanek/slovenija/javno-podjetje-zale-se-kar-zavraca-pokop-izvensodno-umorjenih-romov-680079″]

Italy: Citizen Income

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It is becoming embarrassing to the Lega as it is now coming out that the minimal citizen income that was promised by the government will also go to Roma in Italy. This is creating a controversy inside the movement.

– Il reddito di cittadinanza? Andrà anche ai Rom (italiani e stranieri). In: Next Quotidiano. 07.01.2019. https://www.nextquotidiano.it/rom-reddito-di-cittadinanza/ [link-preview url=”https://www.nextquotidiano.it/rom-reddito-di-cittadinanza/”]
