Daily Archives: février 10, 2019

Alina Serban

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The Romani actress Alina Serban is making the headlines in the Belgian press and is contributing to a change of representation of Roma in that country.

– Alina Serban, conteuse d’histoires. In: Le Soir. 06.02.2019. https://plus.lesoir.be/205082/article/2019-02-06/alina-serban-conteuse-dhistoires
– “Seule à mon mariage”, l’autre réussite belge de Cannes. In: L’Echo. 07.02.2019. https://www.lecho.be/culture/cinema/seule-a-mon-mariage-l-autre-reussite-belge-de-cannes/10095425.html
– “Seule à mon mariage” sur les grands écrans dés mercredi. In: RTC. 05.02.2019. https://www.rtc.be/video/culture/cinema/-quot-seule-a-mon-mariage-quot-sur-les-grands-ecrans-des-mercredi-_1500812_325.html [link-preview url=”https://plus.lesoir.be/205082/article/2019-02-06/alina-serban-conteuse-dhistoires “]

Greece and Moslems

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An article about a small town in the North East of Greece with a large Turkish speaking Moslem minority which comprises Turks, but also Roma and Pomaks, the latter being Slavs converted to Muslim religion.

– A Komotini, la minorité musulmane sert de baromètre des relations gréco-turques. In: Euronews. 04.02.2019. https://fr.euronews.com/2019/02/05/a-komotini-la-minorite-musulmane-sert-de-barometre-des-relations-greco-turques [link-preview url=”https://fr.euronews.com/2019/02/05/a-komotini-la-minorite-musulmane-sert-de-barometre-des-relations-greco-turques”]

UN, Kosovo, and Roma

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The UN has still not compensated Kosovo Roma who were placed in camps that were heavily polluted resulting in serious health problems and malformations. The camps were run by the UN in Mitrovica.

– KOSOVO : LES NATIONS UNIES N’ONT TOUJOURS PAS INDEMNISÉ LES ROMS DE MITROVICA. In: Le Courrier des Balkans. 08.02.2019. https://www.courrierdesbalkans.fr/Kosovo-roms-indemnisations-MINUK
– A la Une: en Bosnie, une chape de plomb est retombée sur la Republika Srpska. In: RFI. 08.02.2019. http://www.rfi.fr/europe/20190208-une-bosnie-une-chape-plomb-est-retombee-republika-srpska [link-preview url=”https://www.courrierdesbalkans.fr/Kosovo-roms-indemnisations-MINUK “]

French Chronicle …

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Not much this week in the French Press on Roma. An article in Libération investigates the views of the French state on Roma – albeit using itself derogatory terminology. In the North of France, a mayor who made derogatory comments on Roma in 2013 has problems with the justice, and his town is paying for it (yes!). Then more usual news, with a clean-up on a site of a former camp and a respite for some Roma near Paris.

– Est-ce ainsi que les gitans nous parlent ? In: Libération. 04.02.2019. https://www.liberation.fr/debats/2019/02/04/est-ce-ainsi-que-les-gitans-nous-parlent_1707304
– À Croix, le contribuable va payer pour le dérapage du maire. In: Nord Éclair. 08.02.2019. http://www.nordeclair.fr/217370/article/2019-02-08/croix-le-contribuable-va-payer-pour-le-derapage-du-maire
– Terrain occupé par les Roms à Isles-lès-Villenoy : les déchets enfin retires. In: Actu.fr. 07.02.2019. https://actu.fr/ile-de-france/isles-les-villenoy_77232/nettoyage-terrain-occupe-roms-isles-villenoy_21357830.html
– Bobigny : un délai accordé aux familles roms de la rue de Paris. In: Le Parisien. 04.02.2019. http://www.leparisien.fr/seine-saint-denis-93/bobigny-un-delai-accorde-aux-familles-roms-de-la-rue-de-paris-04-02-2019-8004165.php [link-preview url=”https://www.liberation.fr/debats/2019/02/04/est-ce-ainsi-que-les-gitans-nous-parlent_1707304 “]
