Daily Archives: février 19, 2019

Housing Crisis

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How the city of Bristol is trying to force travellers out of caravans and into houses and flats.

– Road to nowhere: Bristol’s hidden housing crisis. In: The Bristol Cable. https://thebristolcable.org/2019/02/road-to-nowhere-bristols-gypsy-and-traveller/ [link-preview url=”https://thebristolcable.org/2019/02/road-to-nowhere-bristols-gypsy-and-traveller/”]

Oregon and Roma

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An article / radio on the presence of Roma in Oregon since the 1890’s

– As It Was: Roma, Also Known as Gypsies, Reach Oregon in 1890s. In: Jefferson Public Radio. 18.02.2019. https://www.ijpr.org/post/it-was-roma-also-known-gypsies-reach-oregon-1890s#stream/0 [link-preview url=”https://www.ijpr.org/post/it-was-roma-also-known-gypsies-reach-oregon-1890s#stream/0″]
