Monthly Archives: février 2019

Slovakia: Kotleba

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Marian Kotleba, the Slovak leader of the ultra nationalist party “Our Slovakia”, also known for his racist statements against Roma, is a candidate to the Slovak presidential elections.

– Marian Kotleba, le néonazi qui se rêvait président slovaque. In: Le Soir. 14.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary: New Party

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A new political party “Mi Hazank” – Our Country was founded recently in Hungary. It is the result of a split of the Jobbik nationalist party, and is even more rabid against Roma, speaking of “Gypsy criminality”.

– On reparle de « criminalité tsigane » en Hongrie. In: Le Courrier d’Europe Centrale. 15.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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Almost no news this week in France on Roma. Most notable case, the story of the “Gypsy Boxer”, one of the yellow vests protesters who was caught beating up a policeman, who went from “Gitan” as a nickname on the ring to a Rom in the press…
Other than that, protests in Savoy against a planned camp; families who were expulsed recently in Grenoble still have not been given housing; and a insertion village in the North was closed.

– “Les mots d’un boxeur gitan” : petite histoire du mépris de classe par la langue. In: France Culture. 14.02.2019.
– Camp de Roms à Juvigny : « Ce sera une base de vie et pas un bidonville ! » In: Le Dauphiné. 12.02.2019.
– Faches-Thumesnil Le village d’insertion a disparu du paysage. In: La Voix du Nord. 16.02.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

EU Parliament and Integration

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Several articles appeared in the Slovak press on the call by the EU parliament to have more effective integration policies for Roma, and for furthering their education.

– Europoslanci vyzvali krajiny EÚ na efektívnejšiu integráciu Rómov. In: SME Svet. 12.02.2019.
– Europoslanci žiadajú EÚ, aby sa aktívnejšie venovali integrácii Rómov. In: Teraz. 12.02.2019.
– Europarlament vyzýva štáty, aby robili viac pre integráciu Rómov. In: SME Domov. 12.02.2019.
– Europoslanci žiadajú krajiny EÚ, aby sa aktívnejšie venovali integrácii Rómov. In: Hlavne Dennik. 12.02.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

Slovakia and Work

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A discussion under the auspices of a Slovak Association on the inequalities and discrimination faced by Roma when looking for work. According to the association, Roma are much less likely to get a job even with the same qualifications.

– Na trhu práce stále pretrváva diskriminácia na úkor Rómov. In: SME Domov. 14.02.2019.
– Firmy sa zhodli: Rómov sa oplatí zamestnať. In: HN Slovensko. 15.02.2019.
– Rómov firmy nechcú. Dokážu byť pritom lojálni a pracovať roky v jednej spoločnosti. In: Trend. 14.02.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

Women Conference

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Announcement for the Romani woman conference March 25-27.

– 7th International Roma Women’s Conference: SAVE THE DATE! In: Council of Europe. [link-preview url=””]

A School in Hungary

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A long article about a school project in North Eastern Hungary. Worthwhile project and read.

– Eine Schule für Europas Unberührbare. Die Zeit. 06.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]


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Roma organisations are organising a show trial of Matteo Salvini for racism. The Italian deputy prime minister will be put on trial on the Piazza Esquilino on Feb. 20 from 16 to 18:00.

– I rom processano Salvini. A Roma la condanna: “Il razzismo è un reato”. In: Affari Italiani. 12.02.2019.
– Processiamo Matteo Salvini, il razzismo è reato: manifestazione a Roma. In: Agora Vox. 12.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Roma in Northern Ireland

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A prominent Rom was arrested in Belfast on the back of the story of abuses in the attribution of social help in Northern Ireland.

– Nicolae Nicola: Prominent member of Roma community arrested. In: BBC News. 13.02.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

EU and Roma

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The rights of Roma are constantly being violated in the EU according to a EU parliament resolution.

– EP: Roma Rights Are Constantly Violated in the EU. In: Novinite. 13.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

UK, Racism, and Roma

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The story of a young Romni in School in the UK.

– “We the youth must never give up the fight for Roma equality”. In: The Travellers’ Times. 07.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Bulgaria: Evictions

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An article on the policies of forced evictions of Roma and of collective punishment in Bulgaria.

– Forced Evictions, Discrimination Continue to Afflict Bulgaria’s Roma. In: Voice of America. 13.02.2019.
– Forced evictions, discrimination continue to afflict Bulgaria’s Roma minority. In: Reuters. 10.02.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

More on Danko

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Roma signed a petition and protested against the Slovak politician for his derogatory remarks against a fellow MP and for the use of Roma as a political tool.

– Roma personalities condemn Danko’s racist comment. In: The Slovak Spectator. 05.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

UK Media and Roma

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An editorial on how the UK TV presents Roma and Travellers.

– Patronising and totally false: my despair at TV about Gypsies. In: The Guardian. 11.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Moldova and Roma

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According to the executive director of the National Association of Public Mediators Valeriu Celdararu, education is one of the most acute problems of the Roma community in the Republic of Moldova. According to him, about 80% of the Roma population is illiterate, and due to lack of education they cannot get a job, respectively, cannot access medical services, and fall into a vicious circle of poverty and exclusion.
Never mind that no one agrees how many Roma live in Moldova, which casts a doubt on the 80%, there are many poor uneducated Roma in the country.

– Заявление: Образование является одной из самых острых проблем сообщества ромов. In: NOI. 12.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Whom do Poles Like?

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A recent survey about the sympathies of Poles towards others clearly shows that Roma and Moslems are at the bottom of their liking. Roma are seen favourably by 17% of the respondent to the survey.
In a country which has a tiny Roma minority …

– Kogo Polacy lubią, a kogo nie? In: Do Reczy. 07.02.2019.
– Ranking narodowych sympatii. Najbardziej lubimy Czechów. Najmniej Romów i Arabów. In: Najvizszy Czas. 11.02.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

Music and Protest

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A new video by the Romani Music group “Bengas” protests against the racist and extremist policies against Roma that exist in many states.
We definitively need more protests!

– Romani band Bengas issues new video protesting racist attacks after performer moves away from the Czech Republic. In: Romea. 09.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Invisible Roma

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The “invisible Roma”, i.e. the integrated ones but also a group of Roma in Slovakia, are formally protesting against the derogatory terms used by Andrey Danko against a fellow parliament member.

– Slovakia: “Invisible Roma” protest insult by the speaker of Parliament. In: Romea. 10.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia and Roma

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An article on the fallout of the controversy around Andrey Danko who called a fellow member of parliament a derogatory “ciganočka”.
The question asked here is what terminology is acceptable, and the influence of the terminology on the integration of Roma.

– Korektný jazyk a politické súboje. In: Nazory Pravda. 08.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Alina Serban

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The Romani actress Alina Serban is making the headlines in the Belgian press and is contributing to a change of representation of Roma in that country.

– Alina Serban, conteuse d’histoires. In: Le Soir. 06.02.2019.
– “Seule à mon mariage”, l’autre réussite belge de Cannes. In: L’Echo. 07.02.2019.
– “Seule à mon mariage” sur les grands écrans dés mercredi. In: RTC. 05.02.2019. [link-preview url=” “]