Daily Archives: mars 17, 2019

Brussels and Beggars

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In Etterbeek, on the outskirts of Brussels, Roma beggars will be forbidden near banks.

– Etterbeek éloigne mendiants et roms des agences bancaires. In: La Capitale. 15.03.2019. https://www.lacapitale.be/360336/article/2019-03-15/etterbeek-eloigne-mendiants-et-roms-des-agences-bancaires [link-preview url=”https://www.lacapitale.be/360336/article/2019-03-15/etterbeek-eloigne-mendiants-et-roms-des-agences-bancaires”]

Kiska and Roma

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The president of Slovakia, Andrej Kiska, will be travelling to Brussels where he will meet Jean-Claude Junker on the 19th of March.
He will be awarded the Sinti and Roma Human Right prize for his work for the integration of Roma in Slovakia.
Well, he was engaged, but …

– Kiska prevezme v Bruseli Európsku cenu za ľudské práva Sintov a Rómov. In: Dobre Noviny. 15.03.2019. https://www.dobrenoviny.sk/c/157954/kiska-prevezme-v-bruseli-europsku-cenu-za-ludske-prava-sintov-a-romov
– Prezident SR Andrej Kiska odštartuje na budúci týždeň sériu rozlúčkových návštev v Bruseli a prevezme si aj Európsku cenu za ľudské práva Sinti a Rómov. TASR o tom informovali z kancelárie prezidenta. In: Hlavne Spravy. 15.03.2019. https://www.hlavnespravy.sk/prezident-kiska-odstartuje-buduci-tyzden-seriu-rozluckovych-navstev-bruseli/1698621 [link-preview url=”https://www.dobrenoviny.sk/c/157954/kiska-prevezme-v-bruseli-europsku-cenu-za-ludske-prava-sintov-a-romov “]

France: A Romano Mayor

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The story of the sole French Romano mayor in the South of France, his life, and his recognition inside his own community.

– The Gypsy mayor who wants Gypsies to mix with everyone else. In: BBC. 17.03.2019. https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-47587773 [link-preview url=”https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-47587773″]

French Chronicle …

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More news this week in France. To start, reportage on a camp in a hole in Marseille and the plight of its inhabitants. A similar article on the situation of Roma in Nantes. In Toulouse, a camp of Roma, with many Albanians, was closed. In Montpellier, three policemen are wounded as they tried to stop a car entering a Roma camp. Near Paris, a clean-up on the site of a former camp, and a camp closure in Vigneux sur Seine. Finally, an appeal by many organisations to find permanent solutions to the shantytowns in France.
Last but not least, the story of a mayor from the North of France who made racist comments against Roma and who is now using the taxes from his town to pay for his legal costs …

– A Marseille, la survie au fond du «trou». In: Libération. 13.03.2019. https://www.liberation.fr/france/2019/03/13/a-marseille-la-survie-au-fond-du-trou_1714886
– Le “trou” de Saint-Antoine où vivent des Roms. In: Marsactu. 14.03.2019. https://marsactu.fr/bref/le-trou-de-saint-antoine-ou-vivent-des-roms/
– Aux Îles Noires à La Riche, le bidonville crie son désespoir. In: La Nouvelle République. 12.03.2019. https://www.lanouvellerepublique.fr/indre-et-loire/commune/la-riche/aux-iles-noires-le-bidonville-crie-son-desespoir
– Toulouse : évacuation d’un campement de Roms aux Arènes. In: FR3. 13.03.2019. https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/occitanie/haute-garonne/toulouse/toulouse-evacuation-campement-roms-aux-arenes-1637554.html
– Un camp de Roms et d’Albanais évacué à Toulouse. In: Toulouse Info. 13.03.2019. https://www.toulouseinfos.fr/actualites/33107-camp-de-roms-dalbanais-evacue-a-toulouse.html
– Violences à Montpellier : blessés, trois policiers utilisent leur flash-ball. In: Métropolitain. 15.03.2019. https://e-metropolitain.fr/2019/03/16/violences-a-montpellier-blesses-trois-policiers-utilisent-flash-ball/
– Saint-Thibault-des-Vignes ► Grand nettoyage : le « gros furoncle » des bords de Marne dégrossit. In: Mag Journal. 12.03.2019. https://www.magjournal77.fr/saint-thibault-des-vignes-grand-nettoyage-le-gros-furoncle-des-bords-de-marne-degrossit/
– Le campement Roms de Vigneux-sur-Seine finalement évacué vendredi matin. In: Évasion FM. 11.03.2019. https://www.evasionfm.com/actualite-42462-le-campement-roms-de-vigneux-sur-seine-finalement-evacue-vendredi-matin.html
– Expulsions des bidonvilles, il est temps de décréter l’urgence sociale! In: Le Journal du Dimance. 16.03.2019. https://www.lejdd.fr/Societe/expulsions-des-bidonvilles-il-est-temps-de-decreter-lurgence-sociale-3875252
– Un maire tient des propos polémiques sur les roms et paye ses frais de justice avec l’argent public. In: BFM. 13.03.2019. https://rmc.bfmtv.com/emission/la-protection-fonctionnelle-permet-aux-elus-de-s-offrir-des-frais-de-justice-avec-l-argent-public-1651431.html [link-preview url=”https://www.liberation.fr/france/2019/03/13/a-marseille-la-survie-au-fond-du-trou_1714886 “]
