Daily Archives: mars 18, 2019

Spain and Elections

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Juan de Dios Ramirez Heredia, layer, former EU MP, and Rom is asking the various parties in Spain to include Roma in their ranks – and not just in one party.

– ES LA HORA DE LA MUJER GITANA (Por Juan de Dios Ramírez-Heredia. Abogado y periodista presidente de Unión Romaní). In: El Dia. 17.03.2019. https://eldiadigital.es/art/288434/es-la-hora-de-la-mujer-gitana-por-juan-de-dios-ramirez-heredia-abogado-y-periodista-presidente-de-union-romani [link-preview url=”https://eldiadigital.es/art/288434/es-la-hora-de-la-mujer-gitana-por-juan-de-dios-ramirez-heredia-abogado-y-periodista-presidente-de-union-romani”]

Spain: School Program

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A short article on a program helping young Roma in school in Galicia.

– Gitanos contra los prejuicios. In: La Opinion a Coruna. 18.03.2019. https://www.laopinioncoruna.es/sociedad/2019/03/18/gitanos-prejuicios/1384991.html [link-preview url=”https://www.laopinioncoruna.es/sociedad/2019/03/18/gitanos-prejuicios/1384991.html”]

Slovak Candidate

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The liberal candidate to the Slovak presidency, Zuzana Čaputová, who is also the clear front runner of the first voting round, is courting the Roma vote and addressed them in Romanes.
A first in Slovakia!

– Slovak Presidential elections: Frontrunner speaks Romanes when thanking first-round voters. In: Romea. 17.03.2019. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/world/slovak-presidential-elections-frontrunner-speaks-romanes-when-thanking-first-round-voters [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/news/world/slovak-presidential-elections-frontrunner-speaks-romanes-when-thanking-first-round-voters”]
