Daily Archives: mars 25, 2019

Poland: Youtuber Condemned

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A well-known youtuber “IsAmUxPompa” has been found guilty of offending Roma and sentenced by a court. He has to pay a fine of 3’000 Polish Zlotys. A first in the contry.

– Poznań: Znany youtuber IsAmUxPompa winny obrażania Romów i skazany przez sąd. Ma zapłacić grzywnę. In: Głos Wielkopolski. 19.03.2019. https://gloswielkopolski.pl/poznan-znany-youtuber-isamuxpompa-winny-obrazania-romow-i-skazany-przez-sad-ma-zaplacic-grzywne/ar/13977243
– Poznań: Znany youtuber IsAmUxPompa winny obrażania Romów i skazany przez sąd. Ma zapłacić grzywnę. In: Gazeta Pomorska. 19.03.2019. https://pomorska.pl/poznan-znany-youtuber-isamuxpompa-winny-obrazania-romow-i-skazany-przez-sad-ma-zaplacic-grzywne/ar/13977243 [link-preview url=”https://gloswielkopolski.pl/poznan-znany-youtuber-isamuxpompa-winny-obrazania-romow-i-skazany-przez-sad-ma-zaplacic-grzywne/ar/13977243 “]

Germany and Roma

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Germany should live up to its historic responsibility towards Sinti and Roma. The Bundestag passed a corresponding government proposal. An expert panel will submit a report. Romani Rose spoke of an important step.

– Bundestag will mehr Einsatz gegen Hass auf Sinti und Roma. In: Migazin. 25.03.2019. http://www.migazin.de/2019/03/25/bundestag-einsatz-hass-sinti-roma/ [link-preview url=”http://www.migazin.de/2019/03/25/bundestag-einsatz-hass-sinti-roma/”]

Roma and Brexit

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Many of the Roma currently living in the UK lack some of the registrations and documents that are needed post Brexit and thus may face expulsion.

– Britain’s Roma community fears post-Brexit future. In: Al-Jazeera. 25.03.2019. https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/britain-roma-community-fears-post-brexit-future-190324212814472.html [link-preview url=”https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/britain-roma-community-fears-post-brexit-future-190324212814472.html”]
