Daily Archives: janvier 9, 2022

Moroslav Rác

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Moroslav Rác

The pianist Miroslav Rác decided to dedicate his music to the victims of the Holocaust. Especially on the Roma one.

Miroslav Rác grew up in a family of musicians and was drawn to music as a child. “I chose the piano. I’ve been living classical music since I was a child,” he explains.

His family had a tragic personal experience. “Many of my parents’ relatives died in concentration camps. My grandfather was even in a few, but fortunately he survived them.” That is why Rác has been intensively concentrating on the Holocaust since studying at the Dezider Kardoš Conservatory in Topoľčany.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Montpellier makes the headline this week. The city is dismantling Roma camps, and is setting aside a 10 ha site to relodge part of the Roma, resulting in protests from the neighbours of the selected land. They should better find a permanent solution rather than these idiotic measures.

Other news: A new camp in the Rhine valley in N Village-Neuf; a new squat in the former Orange building near Paris; and the usual criminal fact with two young Roma arrested near Nantes for theft.

Bouguenais : trois mineurs arrêtés après deux agressions en pleine rue. In: France Bleu. 04.01.2022. https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/faits-divers-justice/bouguenais-trois-mineurs-arretes-apres-deux-agressions-en-pleine-rue-1641302153

Czech Republic: At long last!

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Czech Republic: At long last!

Women, overwhelmingly Romnja, who were forced-sterilised in Czechoslovakia and in the Czech Republic between 1966 and 2012 (yes, that late) can claim 300’000 Czech Koruna (about 12’000 EUR) compensation from the state.

It took a long while and doesn’t repair the damage.


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A former Czech MP is facing prosecution for having said Lety was not a concentration camp.

