Daily Archives: janvier 16, 2022

Roma Settlement in Slovenia

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Although the municipality of Škocjan does not officially have an autochthonous Roma minority and thus no Roma councillor, there are more Roma there every year. More than three hundred Roma already live in two settlements in Dobruška. This means that in a municipality with about 3,400 inhabitants, about ten percent of the Roma population already has. The school already has a fifth or 20 percent of schoolchildren are Roma children.

The settlements have water, and the municipality installed chemical toilets.

UK – Manifestation

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A large manifestation is expected  in the UK today to protest against the new police laws. Among others, thee laws will criminalise trespass in a way that is aimed at Roma and Travellers.

French Chronicle …

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More news this week on Roma, but again, mostly on Montpellier where a large Roma camp will be closed in March and replaced by a temporary camp. Future neighbours of this camp are vehemently protesting and the mayor of the commune where it will be located is saying that people will get killed.

Other news are more of the same. A camp re-opens in the South of France; a camp burns down near Paris; neighbours of a Roma camp near Paris convince the mayor to close a camp; and finally, one of the oldest insertion villages in France, in the northern town of Roubaix, closes.
