Monthly Archives: février 2022

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Rather quiet week in the French press on Roma. First, the case of lead poisoning in a camp near Paris. The levels found in the children’s blood is worrisome. Then, two fires near Paris: One in a camp, one in a squat. Finally, also near Paris, a mayor asks the state for funding having seen the Roma population double recently in his commune. In Montpellier, in the South, an attempt to stop the construction of an “insertion village” has been rebutted by the court.

Bulgaria and Legal Aid

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Bulgaria and Legal Aid

The Roma Academy of Culture and Education (RAKO) in Sliven is proposing the establishment of a Bulgarian Roma Cultural Institute. The proposal was made by Stella Kostova from RACO at the conference “Support for the Vulnerable and Roma”, organized by BTA in Sliven within the initiative “Bulgarian Voices for Europe”.

Albania, Schools, and Roma

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Albania, Schools, and Roma

To fight against child labor, and particularly young Roma, Albanian teachers’ unions are mobilizing, trying to prevent school dropouts. But difficult to fill all the gaps of a drifting system.

Slovenia and Roma

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Slovenia and Roma

An unfortunately typical rant against Roma in the Slovene press. In this case, a person complaining that effectively Roma misuse social care money, that many underage woman have children, and that the Roma know “which button to press in Brussels”.

Maybe they should start by ending discrimination …

Czech Publishing House

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Czech Publishing House

The Prague publishing house Kher publishes exclusively Romani literature. Recently, two extensive anthologies have been published: the first (Velvet blues) looks back on the 1990s, the second (Beauty is Everywhere) on the 20th century. One of the key figures in today’s Kher is the Romani filmmaker Karolína Ryvolová (1977).

Hitler Salute

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Hitler Salute

In the middle of a debate, the extreme right Bulgarian MP Angel Dzhambazki, known for his anti Roma stance and inflammatory stretches his right arm in the air – and now has to reckon with sanctions.

He should be kicked out and prosecuted.

He claims, he did not do it …

Jimmy Carr Protests

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Jimmy Carr Protests

Several people protested outside a venue where Jimmy Carr was having a show.


Ukraine, Roma, and Education

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Ukraine, Roma, and Education

About 30 Roma women and girls from Odesa Oblast completed financial and information literacy training, which consisted of three trainings and homework assignments. The participants of the trainings, in particular, learned to plan and manage an individual / family budget, safely work with various information and detect fakes, use government online services for employment and social assistance. According to the organisers, this will help Roma women and girls to become more financially independent and strengthen their socio-economic capacity in the difficult context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Bulgaria: Invited

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Four young musicians from the Roma settlement of Nadezhda in Sliven will play in the Pierre Boulez Hall of the Paris Philharmonic on February 26. They are invited to take part in a classical concert of 120 young people from 27 countries as part of the DEMOS project of one of the largest philharmonics in the world, which provides a stage for children from social groups with difficult access to culture and education.

Bulgaria, Roma, and Fertility

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Bulgaria, Roma, and Fertility

A recent study shows that the myth that Roma have many children is a myth. Natality rate as well as the abortion rate have gone down among Roma, and they now intend to have 2-3 Children. The study was conducted over the last ten years.

In fact, if you look at the Ottoman Tax register since the 15th century, Roma have made roughly 10% of the Bulgarian population, a number that has remained fairly constant. It implies they do not have many more children than the rest of the population.

Slovakia: Roma Action Plan

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Slovakia: Roma Action Plan

The EU driven Strategy for Equality, Inclusion and Roma Participation until 2030 takes the form of the first action plan. The proposal of assignments and tasks for the period 2022-2024 was submitted by the Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic to an interdepartmental comment procedure.

The action plan proposes measures in five priority areas: The areas of employment, education, health and housing are key to meeting the goals of the strategy, special emphasis is also placed on intensifying interventions in the fight against anti-Roma racism.