Daily Archives: avril 9, 2022

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On June 19, 2020, during the renovation and construction works at the market square in Tarnogród, the remains of Roma Holocaust victims were found. The exhumation, carried out by the Institute of National Remembrance, uncovered the remains of  22 people: 8 men, 3 women, probably 3 women, 8 children and 2 fetuses. The Roma were murdered by German gendarmes in May 1942.

The remains were buried in the parish cemetery in Prostynia. The ceremony began in the area of ​​the Execution Site at the monument to the Roma and Sinti located next to the Treblinka I Penal Labor Camp, with the participation of the Roma community and invited guests.

Slovakia and Roma

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The Slovak President, Ms. Zuzana Čaputová received  Roma students in the context of the International Roma Day. She stated that the state should take all necessary systemic steps to give Roma children equal opportunities and that it is also necessary to work on personal attitudes so that people are not judged according to skin colour or ethnicity, but personal qualities.

8 April

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8 April

Some articles on the International Roma Day.

8 April – More articles

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8 April – More articles

More articles on the international Roma day.

Uzhhorod and the International Roma Day

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Uzhhorod and the International Roma Day

Celebrations in Uzhgorod of the international Roma day. The Transcarpathian region of the Ukraine is one with the highest number of Roma in the country.

Czechoslovakia and Sterilisation

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After years of struggle led by victims of illegal sterilizations, the Czech Senate approved, in July 2021, a bill aimed at compensating the thousands of Roma women who were illegally sterilized by the Czechoslovak, then Czech, authorities. between 1966 and 2012.

A summary of the history and struggle.
