Daily Archives: avril 30, 2022

Roma Refugees in the Czech Republic

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Roma Refugees in the Czech Republic

The story of a Roma family from the Ukraine, who, in spite of facing discrimination in the Czech Republic managed to get jobs and are now trying to find a more permanent place to stay.

Slovenia and Roma

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The Murska Sobota Development Center has organized a first “international” Roma conference at the RIS Dvorec Rakičan, aimed at exchanging views on education and political and social inclusion of the Roma community. The director of the Office for Nationalities, Stane Baluh, estimated that in Slovenia the legal and formal issues regarding participation are well regulated, but they are lame in practice.

Effectively, Roma are segregated…

Review of the Biennale

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Review of the Biennale

Poland is represented this year by the exhibition “Charming the world” by Małgorzata Mirga-Tas. How was it created? And will it be possible to see it in Poland?

Roma culture is strongly associated with dance and music, but seldom with visual arts. This changes slowly, among others thanks to Małgorzata Mirga-Tas, who now represents Poland at the Venice Biennale – the most important event of this type in the world.

The artist is a Romni and has devoted all her work to date to the fight to change the historical narrative of the Roma community. Both the romantic one, showing the Roma people as free, dealing mainly with music and wandering around the world, and the ominous one – ascribing to them a tendency to cheat and trick others. She does it in an artistically original, intriguing and, above all, convincing way. – I don’t want to fight the whole world, naively thinking that it will suddenly change everything.

EU Inclusion and Diversity

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EU Inclusion and Diversity

The European Commission (EC) on Friday announced the first winners of the “European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity” award. Cologne (Germany) became the absolute winner in the category of cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants. The city of Gothenburg (Sweden) came in second and Barcelona (Spain) came in third.

The region of Andalusia (Spain) has won with a comprehensive plan to include the Roma community in the third category, focused exclusively on Roma inclusion. The city of Gothenburg (Sweden) took second place in this category and the city of Gradinari (Romania) took third place.
