Daily Archives: mai 20, 2022

Auschwitz Uprising

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Auschwitz Uprising

This coming Monday will celebrate the anniversary of the Roma rebellion in the Roma camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau. This unprecedented event is one of the essential elements of our history. (…) It is a symbol. Courage and heroism should be a beacon for contemporary Roma. Determination and resistance, even in a seemingly hopeless situation, give hope
– said the president of the association Roman Kwiatkowski in an interview with PAP.

  • Romowie upamiętnią rocznicę buntu swych przodków w KL Auschwitz. In: Radio Krakow. 19.05.2022. https://www.radiokrakow.pl/aktualnosci/malopolskazachodnia/romowie-upamietnia-rocznice-buntu-swych-przodkow-w-kl-auschwitz

Prague and Refugees

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The RFK and Kolektiv 115 groups convened a demonstration in support of Ukrainian Roma in front of the Czech Interior Ministry on Thursday. The organizers wanted to express that, according to them, the Czechia did not ensure basic security for all people fleeing Ukraine before the war.

Many of the Roma currently stuck in Prague’s central station have fled Ukraine but have a dual citizenship (Hungarian/Ukrainian) and are denied any help in the Czech Republic.

Dual Nationality

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Dual Nationality

The issue of the Ukrainian Roma refugees who also have a Hungarian passport but whom no one wants, starting with Hungary itself. They were granted a Hungarian passport as part of Orban’s drive to grant citizenship to Hungarian speakers in neighbouring countries, but they are not wanted.
