Daily Archives: juin 4, 2022

Slovakia and Roma

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Slovakia and Roma

Measures to support the culture, language and identity of the Roma national minority are part of the action plan for 2022-2024, based on the main strategy of Roma inclusion until 2030. The plan focuses on stabilizing and developing institutions dedicated to Romani culture, supporting Romani culture, supporting Romani media, the development and vitality of the Romani language, and raising awareness of the rights of the Romani national minority.

Visegrad Roma Cooperation

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The Romani language is the first topic covered in a ten-part series of reports entitled Visegrad Romani Magazine. It is prepared jointly by three Roma television stations: Dikh TV from Hungary, TV Romana from Slovakia and ROMEA TV from the Czech Republic.

Call for Proposals

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Call for Proposals

The Council of Europe Project “Strengthening the protection of national minorities, including Roma and minority languages ​​in Ukraine” is launching a call for proposals to receive Grants for activities protecting the rights of national minorities and Roma, as well as the implementation of the Council of Europe standards in the context of Russian military aggression against Ukraine.
