Daily Archives: septembre 17, 2022

Is that Justice?

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A Czech Mayor Jaroslav Červinka committed felony incitement to hate a group or limit its rights and freedoms when, during a local assembly session, he said it would be “better to shoot” RomaNews server Aktuálně.cz has reported that the local prosecutor has conditionally suspended pressing charges because the mayor has admitted his deeds and made a donation of CZK 30,000 [EUR 1,223] to a fund to aid crime victims.

This is not justice.

Biennale of Flamenco in Sevilla

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A few articles of the first week of the Bienal de Flamenco in Sevilla. With Eva Yerbabuena, Olga Pericet, Vincente Amigo, Davide Lagos, and a very critical review of Patricia Guerrero’s spectacle.
