Monthly Archives: septembre 2022

Slovakia and Roma

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On September 21 and 22, 2022, Helena Dalliová, the European Commissioner for Equality, will visit Slovakia.

During the first day of her visit, Helena Dalliová will visit some regions of Slovakia, where she will discuss issues of equality during her meetings, especially regarding the Roma community. She will meet with the mayor of Sečovce and the local residents of the segregated Roma settlement Hábeš, which received several EU-funded national projects. She will then visits a school in Kecerovce, where all the children in primary and kindergarten are Roma.

Sinti, Roma, and Music

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Romani Rose,  the Chairman of the Central Council stated that  Sinti and Roma influenced Europe’s music and that when people talk about European culture, Sinti and Roma are often easily forgotten. He would therefore like to open a museum as well as a permanent exhibition in the long term.

Kosovo and OSCE

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The OSCE is launching a new strategy for advancing the rights of Roma in Kosovo. Well, a bit late in the game. No one in Europe did anything when Roma were expelled from Kosovo right after the war.

As long as this has not been acknowledged, these strategies will yield little if any results.


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This is a parade example of bad journalism. A Polish newspaper reports on a car crash. Already not really interesting in itself. But then chooses to indicate that the car owner and driver is a Rom.


20 September 1407

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This date is considered to be the first written account of the arrival of Roma in German lands. However, here are some accounts from Alsace and Switzerland somewhat earlier. It is also incorrect to use the plural of “Volk” in this context. That they always continue to show Roma as travellers is also annoying.

On Polish Racism

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An interesting article and interview of Agnieszka Kościańska adi Michał Petryk, the authors of a book titles “Polish Racism” on the prevalence of racism in Poland and the use of the term “Negro” in Polish. On Roma, it says that they have “always been invisible”.

According to Agnieszka Kościańska,  Anti-Gypsyism in Poland and Eastern Europe is a phenomenon similar to classical racism. We have Roma who live in ghettos, are lowest on the social ladder, and often visually stand out on the streets of Polish cities. This situation limits their opportunities for work or education. At the same time, we hear from everywhere: “It’s their fault,” “They discriminate themselves,” “They don’t care about their education,” “They don’t know how to take care of their homes,” and so on.

On German Trains

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The Deutsche Reichsbahn took an active part in the crimes of the National Socialists in the “Third Reich”. Around three million people were deported to ghettos, concentration and extermination camps on their trains. Without the logistics and resources of the Reichsbahn, the Holocaust would not have been possible. How does Deutsche Bahn deal with the historical heritage today?

Johann Rukeli Trollmann

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The story of the German boxing champion Johann Rukeli Trollmann, who as a Sinto was then deported to a concentration camp, and eventually killed.

Croatian Roma Holocaust

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The martyrdom of the Roma, marginalized by the Yugoslav and Croatian authorities after the Second World War, saw the near-complete annihilation of the Roma community in Croatia. Since 2002, remembrance efforts have been made so that their status as full-fledged genocide victims is recognized, but their story has yet to be truly included in school textbooks. A look back with historian Danijel Vojak on this marginalized history.

French Chronicle …

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Not much this week in France regarding Roma. A manifestation in Strasbourg for the people living in a camp there, and a justice story where a father who “bought” two minor girls in former Yugoslavia was condemned. This latter story adds fuel to the stereotype that Roma buy their women and sell their daughters, something that only Vlach Roma do as a result of the slavery in Romanian lands.

Is that Justice?

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A Czech Mayor Jaroslav Červinka committed felony incitement to hate a group or limit its rights and freedoms when, during a local assembly session, he said it would be “better to shoot” RomaNews server Aktuálně.cz has reported that the local prosecutor has conditionally suspended pressing charges because the mayor has admitted his deeds and made a donation of CZK 30,000 [EUR 1,223] to a fund to aid crime victims.

This is not justice.

Biennale of Flamenco in Sevilla

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A few articles of the first week of the Bienal de Flamenco in Sevilla. With Eva Yerbabuena, Olga Pericet, Vincente Amigo, Davide Lagos, and a very critical review of Patricia Guerrero’s spectacle.

Italy, the Far Right, and Roma

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The video of a far-right candidate in  the upcoming elections in Florence highlights their attitude towards Roma and the dangers that Roma will face when they come to power.

In the video, Alessio Di Giulio shows a Romni and tells to vote for him so as to never see her again. This is bad but not surprising unfortunately.

North Macedonia and Schools

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Parents in North Macedonia demand change as schools in some districts end up t be totally segregated with 100% of the enrolled children being Roma.

This problem is not only prevalent in that country, as there are many places in Europe with de-facto school segregation. This is the case n many places in Hungary too for example.

Spain: Campaign

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The Fundación Secretariado Gitano has launched a campaign on social networks to encourage young Roma to participate in the training and employment program ‘Acceder’, which, in the last 20 years, has managed to help 33,000 people find a job.

Italy: Raid

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A police raid in a Roma camp in Rome shows how Italy is choosing to deal with them: blanket controls, on the assumption that they are all criminals. This time, the results were meagre, one person under expulsion order and one car without insurance… This after controlling 352 people and 88 cars.

Romno Power

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The RomnoPower culture week 2022 starts on September 17th. Every year, the Association of German Sinti and Roma, of the Baden-Württemberg State, presents the diverse contribution of Sinti and Roma to European culture in close proximity to the anniversary of the first documentary mention of Sinti and Roma on German territory on September 20, 1407. For the opening ceremony of the RomnoPower culture week 2022 on September 17th, the internationally renowned street dancer Mr. Quick (David Kwiek) and his crew of kids and teens will perform a dance theatre performance that they will develop and produce as part of the VDSR-BW summer camp to have.