Daily Archives: décembre 5, 2022

Germany, the Administration, and Roma

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Well, if you are Rom, you will be confronted in racism in the administration, or at least to discrimination.  Milena Ademović can come up with a long list: unnecessary documents that are required, letters that get lost in the administration or child benefit applications that the parents who come to her have to wait a year for to be processed. “That’s why we’re here,” says Ademović, who, as a social worker at the Kulturen im Kiez advice centre in Wedding, also supports Sinti and Roma in their dealings with the authorities.

Roma in Slovakia

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Not the usual lecture in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung – an article about Roma. And for once not that negative. It speaks of the Roma in Slovakia and how the lack of workers in that country is pushing companies to start hiring Slovak Roma instead of importing workers from the Balkans (who are often Roma by the way) or even further.

Better late than never.
