Monthly Archives: mai 2023

Slovenia and the Roma “Problem”

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Minister of the Interior Boštjan Poklukar met with the mayor of the municipality of Črnomelj Andrej Kavško. They mainly talked about the removal of the fence on the southern border, the reimbursement of costs due to the increased control of the state border and Roma issues. A few days ago, the minister also had a conversation with the mayors of Novomeje and Kočevo. Regarding the Roma problem, he emphasized the intensive work of the police in the local community, especially in preventive measures. At the same time, he also pointed out that the success and efficiency of the work depend not only on the police, but also on the activities of other services in the field of education, urban planning, social services and employment.

That sure will solve the issue …

Slovenia and the Yugoslav Nostalgia

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Two young women produced a podcast tackling the Yugoslav Nostalgia that seems to exist currently in Slovenia.

In the beginning, the two women touched on the government’s recent cancellation of the National Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Communism. Zala Klopčič explained why the day was celebrated on May 17. “17. May 1942 was the first day when the communists carried out the first mass killing of Slovenian civilians on our soil, namely, it happened south of Ljubljana in the vicinity of Igo. The partisans killed 53 members of the Roma community, including children, a woman in her eighth month of pregnancy,” she reminded, adding that even today these people are not properly buried, because certain influential people on the Slovenian political scene do not allow their burial.

Good that they mention this!

Czech Republic – Segregation

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Well, no surprise: Roma children are segregated and discriminated against in the Czech school system.

Latvia: New President

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The Congress of Latvian Roma Associations on Saturday elected Osvalds Jezdovskis, chairman of the Latvian Roma Association and Higher Roma Council, as President of the Roma of Latvia.

Jezdovskis said that a meeting of the Latvian Roma Federation is scheduled for Thursday, June 1 to decide on a strategy for the next five years. However, it is already clear that the main goal of the Federation’s activities will be to improve the living conditions of the Roma in Latvia by addressing educational, cultural and social issues.

Football and Racism

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Another case of racism in Italian Football. When will the Football League take action?

Moldova nad Bodvou

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An interview of the former plenipotentiary for the Roma, Ábel Ravasz on the fact that the renewed investigation of the police brutality against Roma in Moldov nad Bodvou has been given to the very same policeman who dismissed the case in 2016 and brought cases against the Roma for perjury.

French Chronicle …

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An interesting article on the commemoration at the camp of Saliers, close to Arles, where Roma were interned by the Vichy regime before being deported. Another article about a book called “Kumpanija” the terms used among Kalderaša to denote a group of Roma travelling together for work. Another article on the Saintes Marie de la Mer, and a final one on the increase of camps in the Nantes region, in a right wing chanel.

Poland – Exhibition

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The Nikifor Museum in Krynica, in eastern Poland, invites to the exhibition entitled “Coloured cars are coming. Caravan in memory and artistic creation of the Roma”, composed of exhibits collected by the ethnographer Paweł Lechowski. The opening of the collection of paintings and drawings took place on Friday, May 26.

Moldova and Roma

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Well, the government sys all is well, Roma are involved, and the path to real integration is clear.

Roma organisations say this is basically a fairy tale …

Saintes Marie de la Mer

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The pilgrimage of Saintes Marie de la Mer was in full swing the last few days. But with a bittersweet aftertaste, with several Roma accusing the municipality to want to replace them with actors …


Serbia and Racism

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An article about a young Romni who is graduating from high school and who could not find anyone willing to go with her to the prom. It turns out she was the victim of constant abuse in her class, with people referring to her origins and making disparaging comments such as being given a piece of copper with the words, “Your people are definitely collecting copper, so let’s contribute”.

Several famous people have proposed going with her to the prom ball.

Moldova nad Bodvou

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The summer of 2013 police raid in the Roma settlement in Moldava nad Bodvou began with an investigation of the police actions. The prosecutor in charge stopped the original investigation in 2015 and 2016. Instead of the policemen’s misconduct, he accused the Roma of not having told the truth and to have committed perjury. They were subsequently indicted and condemned.

After almost ten years, and after the decision of the European Court of Human Rights in favour of the Roma, the investigation goes back to the beginning, namely, to investigate the police.

However, the case ended up with the same investigator from Banská Bystrica, who stopped the original investigations in 2015 and 2016.

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UK and Discrimination

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According to the council of Europe Roma and Travellers in the UK suffer persistent discrimination. Unfortunately, not changing at all.

Patrik Banga

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Being a Rom in the Czech Republic is really difficult. Parick Banga was beaten by the police in his youth. He comes from Žižkov in Prague and is 41 years old. He is in charge of blogs at, at the same time runs an IT business and plays in a swing band in his spare time. Banga received the Magnesia Litera literary award for his coming-of-age story.

Slovakia: Floods

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Two videos and descriptions of the floods that struck Slovakia yesterday.