Daily Archives: juin 1, 2023

Slovenia: Resettlement

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The case of Roma being re-settled to a new place with better conditions, but resulting in protests of the village close to which the new settlement is.

It is never good to resettle people, much better to better the conditions locally.

Poland and Roma Refugees

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Residents of the small city of Krasnystaw, Southeast of Lublin and close to the Ukrainian border, are complaining about Roma refugees who, according to them, are making the city unsafe. Upon closer reading, this boils down to petty theft of food, and small incidents.

The thefts indicate that they probably do not have enough money to survive otherwise, as Poland does not really provide much help to refugees.

Bosnia, Religion, and Education

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The journalist and activist Dalibor Tanić wrote an open letter to Minister Naida Hota-Muminović on the topic of a lesson on religious holidays found in the textbook “My environment” for the third grade of elementary school, authored by Zinaida Livnjak. The lesson cites Catholic, Orthodox, Muslim and Jewish religious holidays but also adds “Roma” Holidays!

Tanić says rightly that Đurđevdan and Aliđun/Ilindan are not religious holidays, but traditional ones. Roma religion does not exist. Roma, not only in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but throughout Europe are also Muslims, Catholics, and Orthodox.

Another case of ignorance on the part of the author and the authorities …
