Monthly Archives: juin 2023

UK: Really?

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A restaurant told staff not to take reservations from Roma… They eventually apologised.

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Bulgaria: Discrimination

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Two young Romnja in Bulgaria signed a contract for managing a restaurant. The contract was cancelled after a few days, apparently because of their ethnicity. The owner claims it is because of the tenant’s plans to organize noisy parties, weddings and baptisms.

Bulgaria, Roma, and Schools

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The Bulgarian government approved funding for 50% of the costs of the 1’000 school mediators. The rest is funded by a project called “Success for you”. These mediators are working with Roma children to try to avoid them dropping out of school too soon.

Poznan and Roma

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A reportage on a Roma settlement in Poznan, Poland. The Roma community has been living in that area of at Lechicka Street for many years. In an area of several hectares, they try to cope as best they can. “It’s hard here. It’s hard to keep clean. We are poor, but we have small children, so it must be clean everywhere,” says Veta, one of the residents, pointing to the carpeted ground.

Despite the early hour, the sun made itself felt. The weather doesn’t bother Ecatarina, who drinks her pickle outside. She is wearing a patterned ankle-length dress and a thick sweater with a zipper. Her gray hair is covered with a colourful scarf. – Every day I get up at 7. I drink coffee and prepare food for my grandchildren – describes the woman. “Then I’m going to fetch water to wash up and do the laundry.” I take a cart that holds four canisters. I do everything by hand because we don’t have a washing machine. I go begging. I’m not lying. I know it’s forbidden, but I have no other choice. We need food and hygiene products.

Brno Murder: Riots

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Following the murder of a young Rom by a Ukrainian las Saturday in Brno, Ukrainians and Roma clashed in the city resulting in the police intervening. What is also tragic is that the extreme right is also using this murder to protest the presence of Ukrainian refugees.

This is bad.

Brno: Murder

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A 23 years old Rom was killed last Saturday in Brno. He and his friend were heading towards a place to watch a firework when they were attacked apparently because of the music they were listening to. The perpetrator is apparently a Ukrainian.

What is worse, this murder initiated a huge amount of abuse online.


Bulgaria Festival

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The children’s Roma festival “Open Heart” was held for the 18th time in a row and brought together children and young people from all over Bulgaria in V. Tarnovo. This edition was also a bit special for the organisers from the Amalipe Center for Inter-Ethnic Dialogue and Tolerance, as in 2023 the forum turns 20. Many songs, dances, poems, a theatrical production and a number of other side events entertained the spectators and the participants themselves in the festival, which traditionally gathered in “Marno Pole” park. It was attended by more than 1,000 students from over 70 schools across the country, included in the Folklore of Ethnicities, Roma Folklore and other activities of interest, girls and boys from the Youth Groups for Tolerance and Civic Participation, as well as educational mediators.

French Chronicle …

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First, a TV “reportage” omen “Gypsy Wedding”… With all stereotypes, and the implied generalisation on all Roma. Then a recent book, translated from the Italian on Roma living on the outskirts of Florence, Italy. Then the more usual: A massive Roma camp in Bordeaux, with more than 2000 people, and a camp near Aix en Provence that will be closed soon.

North Macedonia and Racism

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The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights strongly condemned offensive graffiti with swastikas and inscriptions “Gyupci”, written with black spray on the houses of the Roma population on Debarska street in Bitola, North Macedonia. According to them, this is another case of a hate crime, with a message calling for violence against the Roma ethnic community.

“Starting from the aspiration to build coexistence, tolerance and mutual respect, regardless of national, ethnic, religious or any other affiliation, we demand that the competent institutions, above all, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor’s Office thoroughly investigate the case, find the perpetrators , who should be held accountable for this crime,” the Helsinki Committee stated.

Appleby Fair

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Several articles and pictures of the start of the fair.

Ukraine and Roma

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The Ukrainian state guarantees its citizens equal access to legal aid and justice. The possibility of receiving services in the system of free legal aid does not depend on social status, race, ethnicity or other characteristics. At the same time, the Roma national minority, which is quite significant in Ukraine, is also one of the most socially vulnerable, and therefore requires the special attention of human rights defenders.

In order to ensure unimpeded access of Roma to free legal aid, specialists of the BPD system organize out-of-court consultation points in settlements where Roma live, explain the rights of representatives of national minorities during legal education events, prepare and distribute information and explanatory materials about the rights of national minorities.

“The lawyers of the BPD system in Sumy Oblast are constantly approached by representatives of the Roma nationality. In the regional centre, we even organized a consultation centre on the basis of one of the schools, where part of the children belong to the Roma community. Yes, at the specified time, everyone who wants to can consult with a specialist,” says the director of the Sumy local centre for the provision of BVPD Valentyna Troshechko.

A Step in the right direction …

Germany: Fire

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A small child died in a fire in an asylum seeker centre in the Thuringian town of Apolda. The child is from a Roma family from the Ukraine.

It is not yet known whether this was arson or an accidental fire. Romani Rose, the chairman of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma is asking for a prompt investigation.

Bulgaria, Rock, God, and Roma

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A Bulgarian rocker who emigrated a long time ago to the US and turned preacher in an evangelical church there, is helping Roma – apparently praying for healings of sick Roma – and also helping children. Frankly, this could be done without the religion, as many Roma there are Moslem, and the others orthodox.


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The German town of Neustrelitz, north of Berlin, will name a street after deported Sinti children who died in Auschwitz. The Street will be named Rose-Wagner-Groß Strasse after the 7 children.

Slovenia and Statistics

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The usual statistics: In the municipality around Novo Mesto, Slovenia, on average 12 percent of Roma students completed primary school, or approximately one in eight school-age children. There are currently 290 unemployed Roma registered at the regional office of the Employment Agency, which is 30 percent of all unemployed in the municipality. Of these, 73 percent have been registered at the institution for more than one year and 56 percent for more than two years.

Only issue pops up if you ask how many Roma there are in the municipality. Answer is usually we do not really know … This makes for highly accurate percentage …