Daily Archives: juillet 6, 2023

Documentary Play on the Genocide

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The documentary play “[Not] my story. Music” about the Roma genocide in the Ukrainian Transcarpatian region was presented in Uzhhorod by the Provocator theater studio.

Čirikli – the Bird

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The one-man play “Chirikli” about Transcarpathian Roma won the All-Ukrainian Theatre Day competition

The Oleksandr Gavros’ monodrama  was originally staged in 2021 by the Transcarpathian Music Drama Theatre based on the works of the Roma writer from the Vynohrady region, Mykola Burmek-Dury.

Discrimination in Hungary

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An article about Roma in Hungary and the discrimination they suffer in their lives. Good facts and description of the issues, were it not for the statement that the Hungarian Roma were made sedentary centuries ago… They never travelled except for going there.

This is typical of the French view of Roma: They are Travellers and it is a way of life…
