Daily Archives: juillet 7, 2023

Magdeburg – Conference

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The conference, organized by the city archive is dedicated to a dark chapter in Magdeburg’s past. As a city spokesman announced, Verena Meier from the University of Heidelberg will speak about the genocide of Sinti and Roma under National Socialism and the difficult work involved in coming to terms with it.

Slovakia: Festival

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On Sunday, July 9, 2023, the 19th edition of the Te prindžaras amen / Let’s get to know each other event will take place in the Martin Museum of the Slovak Village. It is being prepared by the Slovak National Museum in Martin – Museum of Roma Culture in Slovakia.

The program, which will last from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., will present the repertoires of Romani ensembles with an emphasis on the processes of maintenance and intergenerational transmission of traditional forms of Romani folklore.

Tarnow, Poland – Festival

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A festival in Tarnow, Poland, is commemorating the old way of life of Roma and the summer travels they did until is was forbidden in  Poland in 1961.
