Daily Archives: juillet 29, 2023

Slovakia: Call for Support

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The Slovak Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport published a call for proposals entitled “Support for the provision of early care and early intervention to children aged 0 to 6 years from the environment marginalized Roma communities and from an environment of generational poverty”.

Let’s see …

Czech Republic and the Commissioner

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The position of Government Commissioner for Roma Minority Affairs was established by the government in December 2022 and is independent of political parties. Lucie Fuková, a Romni, is the first one. There are already voices in the Roma community who say “We didn’t vote for you, don’t speak for the Roma! You won’t do anything anyway!”

Her answer is:  “So I am the very first person in the Czech Republic to take on this position. In contrast, in Slovakia, the Roma government representative has been operating for many years. I’m only a few months in and I’m building my entire office from scratch – in every way. I have nothing to follow up on. That’s why I spend a lot of time setting up the functioning of the office (people, processes…) and unfortunately I can’t be everywhere.”

Ravensbrück: Memorial

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On August 2nd, a memorial plaque for the Sinti and Roma deported from Koblenz by the National Socialists will be unveiled at the Ravensbrück Memorial in Brandenburg. The occasion is the European Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the National Socialist Genocide of the Sinti and Roma.
