Daily Archives: août 12, 2023

Poland: It was not them …

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Again, rumours. A person drew attention to the behaviour of Roma living in the area of the allotment gardens at Lechicka Street in Poznan, Poland. He said that Roma are cutting trees and attached a photo in which people of probably Roma can be seen working on a cut tree.

It turns out, however, that it was not Roma who cut down the tree. The tree fell over in a strong wind, but not completely – the crown of the tree was above the road and was trimmed by the city services – explains Przemysław Piwecki from the city guard. The cut off boughs and branches were left on the side of the road, and Roma took that wood.

Ukraine: Stereotypes

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Unfortunately, again the type of articles on should not call journalism.

Law enforcement officers and social service workers visited Roma who settled near Ternopil. Ukraine.

The article states: “They do not care about the hygiene and health of children.”

Sunday in Terespol

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A festival in Terespol, Poland, right on the Belarus border by Brest starts on August 13 in Terespol under the slogan “Multicultural City”. The aim of the “Multicultural City of Terespol” event will be to present the history and traditions of the communities living in Terespol and its vicinity over the centuries: Poles, Jews, Ruthenians (Ukrainians, Belarusians), Germans, Tatars and Roma.
