Daily Archives: septembre 8, 2023

What to say …

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An article about some Romane traditions, wrapped in lots of bad journalism. Yes, some of the facts such a whistling in a house are frowned upon (in this particular case, it is calling the devil), but all the thing around is just simply bad.

Roma Programs

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After three decades of supporting the Roma, the Open Society Foundation allocated 100 million euros for the Roma Foundation for Europe, which is based in Brussels and is headed by Željko Jovanović. The commitment of 100 million euros to this Foundation was announced by Alexander Soros.

“With a new generation of exceptional Roma leaders setting strategy and funding priorities, I am confident that the new foundation will be a dynamic force—committed to realizing the full potential of Roma and overcoming the deep-rooted barriers they face.” We will do everything we can to support the foundation and its leadership in a mission that will benefit not only the Roma, but also Europe as a whole,” said Soros.

Netflix “Infamia”

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Is Zofia Jastrzębska, the star of the latest Netflix series in Poland palying a 17 years old Romni, herself a Romni?

The real question in this case is does it matter?
