Daily Archives: septembre 14, 2023

Exhibition in Gdansk

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“Historians are still trying to estimate the exact number of victims of the crime in Ponary, which was committed by the German occupiers together with Lithuanian auxiliary troops, the Shaulis. Estimates say at least 80,000. victims” said Deputy Minister of Culture and National Heritage Dr. Jarosław Sellin during the opening of the exhibition “Victims of crime in Ponary near Vilnius 1941-1944”, which took place today at Targ Węglowy in Gdańsk . The exhibition can be visited until September 29, 2023.

The victims were mostly Jewish but there were also Roma and Poles who were killed there.

Roma Centre in Prague

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The new centre for Roma is scheduled to open in Prague in November 2024. It is set up in the Dejvice district in a villa from the times of the First Czechoslovak Republic by the Museum of Roma Culture (MRK). The keys were handed over to the construction company on Wednesday, which is now starting the renovation. This was announced by the director of the MRK, Jana Horváthová, to the ČTK press agency.


Evictions in Slovakia

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The Regional Court in Košice ruled in favour of nine Roma plaintiffs who were forcibly evicted from their homes in Nižné Kapustníky in Košice eleven years ago.

This was reported on Wednesday by Jonathan Lee from the European Center for Roma Rights, according to which the city of Košice evicted the entire local Roma community under the pretext of garbage removal.

According to him, the residents were not offered any alternative accommodation after their homes were demolished, as a result of which they became homeless.

Slovenia and Roma

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The police do not officially keep statistics on crime committed by Roma, but the police can say that in municipalities with a large number of Roma, they cause up to 90 percent of all crime.

In Ivančna Gorica, the situation is so serious that the locals decided to organize the so-called village guards.
