Monthly Archives: novembre 2023

Slovakia and Roma Education

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An editorial on the newly published government program on education. In the case of Roma, the government “hid” the entire extensive topic of their inclusion in education under the concept of generational poverty. According to the editorial, this is the proof that the current government is not sincerely interested in solving the inclusion of Roma on a human rights and respectful approach.

Tajsa Prize

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The Tajsa prize will be awarded to Franciska Farkas and Horvá Kristóf “Színész Bob
(aka “Actor Bob”), both award-winning actors from Budapest, are notable for their contributions to the world of theater, film, poetry, and talent education.
The Jury has nominated them together for their outstanding performance in the movie Three Thousand Numbered Pieces (2022) “a political, cruel and original film spiced with dark humour, which makes an urgently needed and impactful statement against injustice, prejudice, discrimination and racism against the Roma, the biggest European minority”.

Poland: Conflict

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In the town of Koszary, the conflict between the Roma community and other residents is escalating. The dispute has become so serious that the Ombudsman will look into it.

Let’s see if this brings anything.

Belgium, Politics, and Racism

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The Flemish socialist leader Conner Rousseau has been instructed by public prosecutors to follow therapy. He had made racist statements against Roma, and his apology, saying he was drunk at that time and would never say such things if sober did not help. Roma organisations filed a complaint and are part of a mediation procedure.

Poland: Conflict

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Koszary is a small town near Limanowa in Lesser Poland. In the 1970s, the Roma settled here. Over time, the Romani settlement began to expand. This sparked opposition from the Limanowa community.

This began to escalate a dozen or so years ago. Cables, electronic waste and started being burnt. These fumes, this smell of plastic in the air quite far. People within a two kilometres radius are complaining. In addition, the soil is being contaminated. Violence is also on the rise.


Greece: Riots

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Greek Roma rioted in Greece after a young Roma was killed by the police. He was the third one in as many years.

Lety’s Memorial

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Trees were planted at the forthcoming Lety Memorial, a memorial and museum scheduled to open in February.

Hungarian Census

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Another article on the recent Hungarian Census. The overall population decreased by 3.4%, and, more astonishingly, the number of Roma passed from 300’000 to 200’000. All other “ethnic” minorities, Germans, Slovaks, etc. also decreased but not by as much as in the case of Roma.

The 300’000 number was anyhow a fallacy, as the government itself acknowledges more than half a million. So simply, Roma did not declare themselves as such …

Slovenian Roma Settlement

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A reportage in a notorious Roma settlement in Slovenia. The reportage is titled “Roma time bomb: reportage from the Roma settlement Žabjak-Brezje”. This says it all.

Croatia and Romanes

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As part of the program “Celebration of the World Day of the Roma Language at the Koprivnica Vocational School”, numerous activities were organized on Tuesday, including a 3D modeling and printing workshop, a workshop for learning the Roma language, a reading workshop about and in the Roma language, a digital exhibition of student works and plenary lectures.

Greece: Again!

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A third young Rom was killed by the police in Athens after a police chase. According to the police, the gun went off when the young Rom tried to grab a pistol from the police.

He is the third young Roma killed by the police in Greece in as many years.

French Chronicle …

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Not surprising, Paris is launching a “social clean-up” ahead of the Olympic games next year. As a result, Roma are being expulsed. In Nantes, a Roma camp that has existed for several years is being shut down, a decision that doesn’t make the unanimity in the local government. France is also continuing its expulsions, even though, since November 1st, people should be protected by the winter moratorium. Close to Switzerland, residents are protesting against travellers’ degradations. Finally, scrap metal collectors have been condemned for stealing metals, and for reselling them.

Hungary and the War

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Shortly before the end of the war, Hungarians committed mass murder against Hungarians: At the beginning of February 1945, snipers and gendarmes gathered local Roma at the border of Várpalota, dug a pit with them, and then shot them: one hundred and eighteen people were murdered, while another five victims were executed in the main square of the city.

Despite this, plans for a memorial to the victims of the Roma Holocaust were prepared in Hungary early in 1974, even by international comparison: the sculptor was György Jovánovics, an outstanding figure of the neo-avant-garde generation of artists. The sculptor was interviewed by art historian Dániel Véri.

Slovenia and Roma

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An initiative in Slovenia in the Črnomelj library started fairy-tale meetings in the multipurpose Roma centre for Roma children. According to the article After school, children can come to nicely decorated and warm rooms, where they create, cook, do homework, go out together into nature, on trips, even to the sea. Sounds a bit too good to be true, and the tone and the statements seem to indicate that the children don’t live in such nice conditions.

Slovakia and the Telgart Debacle

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Amnesty international stated that the Slovak government failed to resolve the Telgart issue. A Roma settlement totally burned out in the summer, and the residents of the settlements are still in tents as we speak. A bit of caution is needed on the reporting due to its source, as it is very critical of the previous government.

Slovenia: Conference

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Discrimination is a big issue in Slovenia, but everyone can help ensure that everyone receives decent treatment and equal opportunities. These are the main messages of the conference of the European co-financed project Let’s face discrimination, with which the Defender of the Principle of Equality, the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television of the University of Ljubljana (AGRFT), the Association of Municipalities of Slovenia and the Prizma Foundation raise awareness about protection against discrimination.

Tomáš Kač

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An interview of renowned pianist Tomáš Kač. He is a native of Nové Jičín from a Roma family and recalls with a smile how his parents were afraid to let him go to the conservatory in Ostrava. But nothing could stop him. He settled in California and performs concerts all over the world.

Germany and Sinti

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As a child, Angelina Kappler was excluded because she comes from a Sinti family. Today the young winemaker and former German wine queen is committed to fighting antigypsyism. This brings her a lot of positive feedback, but also hate online.