Monthly Archives: février 2024

Ukraine on the Transcarpathian Roma Refugees

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Another article, this time in the Ukrainian press about the fact that there are more and more Roma refugees from Transcarpathian Ukraine arriving in Germany (and Switzerland), especially from the region of Berehove very close to the Hungarian border. Here they say these refugees hide their dual citizenship (i.e. the fact that they also have a Hungarian passport).

While Hungarian speakers can get a Hungarian passport (thanks to the current Prime Minister Viktor Orban), in order to do so, they need to read and write, which is generally not the case there (thanks to the total disregard of those Roma from the Ukrainian authorities). In fact, if citizen of the Ukraine do not speak Ukrainian because they live in remote settlements, it is actually the fault of the Ukrainian government.

  • У Німеччині виявляють все більше біженців з угорськими паспортами із Закарпаття, а саме з Берегова. In: 16.02.2024.

French Chronicle …

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The usual. In Marseilles, a proposed so-called “Insertion village” project, a place where Roma can settle in and integrate, has been abandoned under pressure from the neighbours. Bad. In Bordeaux, a Roma camp was vacated the day before its official expulsion. Near Paris, Roma returned in a camp following a large fire.

Transcarpathian Ukraine: Census

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In 2024, a census of the Roma population is planned in Zakarpattia Oblast. These complete and up-to-date statistical data will help ensure more effective social and legal protection and integration of Roma.

Well, we know how it works: Integrated Roma will not declare themselves as such, probably opting to say they are Hungarians, and poor people will be declared to be Roma. The result will be as usual wrong numbers.

  • На Закарпатті проведуть перепис ромського населення. In: Golos Ukraini. 16.02.2024.
  • Яка їх реальна чисельність: на Закарпатті планують провести перепис ромського населення. In: Golos Karpat. 15.02.2024.

Montenegro: Fire

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A fire in a Roma settlement in Bar, Montenegro, on Volujica hill, left four people dead.

The Roma Council said their thoughts are with the families of the victims and they bemoaned the precarious living conditions of the Roma there.

Switzerland and Roma Refugees – 2

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To counterbalance the accusations that Roma refugees from Ukraine abuse the system and are actually not Ukrainians, we did an interview in one of the leading newspapers in German speaking Swiss press.


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An article on Papuša, a Romani poet. The article makes a lot of incorrect statement. That she was considered a traitor, that writing is not a gift for Roma, on the contrary, etc. In brief, it continues stereotypes.

Ruma, Vojvodina, and Roma

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The president of the Municipality of Ruma, Aleksandra Ćirić Bošković, in cooperation with the National Council of Roma, organized a reception for the best Roma students, holders of the Saint Sava Charter and their class teachers, in the City Hall.

Ruma has a high percentage of Roma population.

Czechia: Romanes and Schools

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What do Romanes speakers encounter when their children enter education? Are kindergartens and schools ready to work with foreign language children? The issue is currently being invstigated by research carried out by the Romanes Studies Seminar of the Faculty of, supported by the program for the implementation of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.

Czechia and the Anti-Roma Racism Working Definition

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The Senate Committee on Human Rights today unanimously endorsed the International Holocaust Alliance (IHRA)  working definition of anti-gypsyism as discrimination against Roma. The definition, like anti-Semitism, names a specific form of racism that Roma people face because of their ethnic origin, culture or lifestyle. According to committee chairman Jiří Růžička (for TOP 09), the definition adopted by the Government Council for Roma Minority Affairs on Monday is not legally binding.

Slovakia, Social Media, and Roma

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Slovaks do not spare hateful comments on Roma on social networks, but they often try to hide their identity. Hateful comments usually appear under anonymous pseudonyms, as research by the Institute for Human Rights and other organizations confirms.

It shows the stereotypes held by the general population, but also that they realise these comments are racist and could be sued against.

Slovenia and the Roma “Problem”

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At the request of the Slovenian Democratic Party, the Committee of the National Assembly for Petitions, Human Rights and Equal Opportunities discussed the increasingly pressing Roma issue in Southeastern Slovenia at an emergency meeting. The meeting was also attended by some mayors and deputy mayors and councilors, representatives of the Novo mesto Police Department and Šentjernej Police Station.

The initiator of the meeting, MP Anja Bah Žibert, pointed out in the introduction that the coalition promised its legal solutions to the Roma issue by the end of 2023.

You wonder how do you resolve an exclusion and discrimination problem with repressive legislative measures?

Switzerland and Roma

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Another two articles in the Swiss press about Roma refugees from the Ukraine who “abuse” the system and are “most probably” not from the Ukraine. All because the Swiss seem to be oblivious that Western Ukraine is Hungarian speaking …

Slovakia: A Project

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In western Slovakia, the project Better Future for Young Roma was born under the auspices of the non-profit organization Human in Danger. Roma children get a chance to go to school and work for a better future. The project is currently being developed mainly in Lozorn, Plavecký Štvrtek and Zlaté Klasy.

If necessary, the children’s parents also receive help and support. They have already worked with 94 children and their families. They provided counseling to more than a hundred children, while 46 of them got a job during the project.

Quartier rom en Slovaquie

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A Roma settlement in Slovakia is being destroyed. Reason is, it became so run down that it cannot be saved. The article says it is the residents’ fault. Well, they did not do anything, but neither did the municipality nor the owners.

Switzerland, Roma, and Ukrainian Refugees

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Two really bad articles in a formerly good newspaper, the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Here, the use the fact that there are several Roma families from the Transcarpathian Ukraine asking for refugee status in Switzerland, to ask for the blanket approval of Ukrainian refugees to be revoked.

They make statements about false passports etc.

Proofs are not there…