Daily Archives: mars 17, 2024

Slovakia: Stereotypes

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The story of the Roma “King” Róbert I. Botoš and his numerous designer shirts and gold.

This perpetuates the clichés and the untruth that there is such a thing as a Roma king.

Roma Vakeren

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Roma program about the forgotten story of Antonia Single, an extraordinary Roma flamenco dancer,

Photographer Antoine Le Roux on nomads and on the RomanoNet organization has been coordinating the cooperation of non-profit organizations engaged in work with the Roma minority.

Belgium, Politics, and Racism

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The former president of the Flemish socialist party (Vooruit), Conner Rousseau, seemed to be able to escape a trial despite his racist remarks against Roma, provided he would respect certain conditions. But one of the three Roma community associations involved in the agreement has decided to withdraw from the mediation procedure and is considering other actions.

French Chronicle …

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The usual unfortunate news: A camp near Paris that existed since 2017 has been closed this week, leaving roughly 200 people of which 90 children without a roof; there was a large police action in another camp on the outskirts of Paris; a festival of Roma culture in the South West; and finally, the extreme rightist Breizh info reports on the cancellation of an insertion village near Nantes in Western France.
