Lego published a set titled: Cigánytelep. This means Roma settlement, the settlements where Roma were forced to live outside the villages.
And this set is pretty much racist, showing all stereotypes that one can imagine.
Write to LEGO.
Lego published a set titled: Cigánytelep. This means Roma settlement, the settlements where Roma were forced to live outside the villages.
And this set is pretty much racist, showing all stereotypes that one can imagine.
Write to LEGO.
Lucie Fuková, government commissioner for Roma minority affairs, speaks about the new call for project entitled PRO-ROMA, launched by the Operational Program Jan Amos Komenský (OP JAK), which has earmarked 300 mio Czech Crowns towards education projects.
Applicants from Roma and pro-Roma organizations will be able to draw funds to support informal education, cooperation with parents or the public.
Erik Tomáš, the current Slovak Minister of Labour introduced new laws aimed at cutting benefits to unemployed and reducing the social contributions. He basically wants those who hate Roma to applaud him.
The numbers have remained fairly stable, and it is not just Roma who receive social contrinbutions…