Daily Archives: juillet 9, 2024

Swedish Kale

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More and more of Sweden’s Finnish Roma, who are also called Kalé Roma, are moving to Finland, even though many have grown up in Sweden and spend their lives here. Above all, it is the fear of increasing gang crime but also poorer educational opportunities in Sweden that make the neighboring country attractive.

Czechia, Roma, and Ukrainians

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The Pilsen club Pixla mainly cares for underprivileged children from nearby hostels, having many Roma among its clients. Ukrainian refugees were added to this recently. For its work, the club won the second prize in a national competition for social services in May.

Slovakia, Roma, and an Opinion

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An Interview with Igor Andre, a Slovcak from Bratislava who worked in the office for the plenipotentiary of the Roma and moved 10 years ago in Eastern Slovakia and taught in a Roma school.

Well, his view of Roma is stereotypical. He states: “The debate about the Roma in our country is influenced by the woke ideology”; that the debate is “automatically based on the principle that the majority is the oppressor and the Roma are the victims.” He continues and says that Roma are gifted in crafts… In brief, he knows and sees only a part of the Roma community and thinks he knows it all.
