Monthly Archives: juillet 2024

Leeds: The Children are Back

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The children whose removal prompted the start of the riots are back with their family. The whole story is a bit more complex than at first sight: The children were placed with relatives several months ago, following an unexplained skull fracture of the youngest baby in the family. They cannot be with their parents until the toddler’s case has been judged and resolved, hence their placement with relatives.

Latvia and Roma

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Attitudes towards Roma in Latvian society are changing – and for the better, admitted the President of the International Association of Roma Normunds Rudevich on the air of the Open Conversation program of Latvian Radio 4. Roma, according to him, feel integrated, but there are problems that still lie ahead.

“For Roma, integration is an outdated word. We are integrated both culturally and nationally. We are looking for our place in this state, in employment – this is our main problem. It is important that people come to our events. Only with positivity can you change attitudes and kill stereotypes,” says Normunds Rudevich.

Slovenia: Another Attack

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The story of Danijel Supančič who was stabbed by a Rom while sitting in his car waiting for his wife and child in front of a supermarket. He barely survived the attack that took place end of February and is only now returning to work. The attacker has been charged with causing serious bodily injury, but not with attempted murder.

In the interview he continues telling how Roma steal goods from the supermarkets and resell them afterwards.

Slovenia: Brawl

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A fight, between non-Roma and Roma in Breže, Slovenia ended up badly with one person with a broken arm. According to this person, the fight was provoked and started by Roma.


Slovenia: Roma Problematic

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At the request of Martina Legan Janžeković, the mayor of the Municipality of Metlika, a meeting was called on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, as citizens have recently been calling for help due to daily incidents perpetrated by Roma residents.

At the outset, the mayor explained that according to unofficial data, 450 Roma live in the Metlika municipality. She emphasized that matters should not be generalized, as not all Roma are bad, but repeated acts of violence by individuals or of individual families “cast a black light” on the entire community. She added that younger Roma have become arrogant, arrogant, insolent.

August 2nd

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The Museum of Roma Culture in Brno will present the play The Gypsy Boxer – as a reminder of the 80th anniversary of the murder of all Roma prisoners of the so-called family camp in the concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz II-Birkenau.

Leeds and the Cause of the Riots

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Two more articles on the root cause of the riots in Leeds: The removal of children from a Roma family while the parents were not there.

Leeds Riots: Review of the Root cause

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Well, some papers are saying that maybe one should review why social services were trying to remove all children from a family while the parents were away …

Leeds Riots: The Tabloid Views

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Needless to say, now that the rioters were Roma, tabloids are in full swing.

Sweden, Roma, and Organisations

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The Swedish Institute for Language and Folklore ISOF has filed a criminal complaint for the first time.

Unit manager Ester Enhsmyr wrote to Radio Romano that it concerns the Sinti and Roma Council in Umeå, which has submitted deficient accounts of contributions of SEK 100,000 thousand (roughly 8’600 euros).

Riots in Leeds

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There has been a large riot in Leeds, UK, with police cars overturned, a bus set afire, and reports of looting and other property damages.

Why did they occur: Apparently, a family with 5 children had a toddler admitted in hospital with head injuries. Social Services decided immediately to take over all 5 children while the parents were away working. This resulted in a clash, with police intervention, and the whole situation escalated rapidly.

There is so far no official statement on this, and the protagonists are reported to be of Romanian origins. Romanians on social media of course said these were Roma, which is probable.

Really bad.

Reaction to the Slovak Experiment

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A Slovak MP, Ingrid Kosova criticizes the project of the Ministry of Education to teach Roma children in Romanes. She says that up to 65 percent of Roma children encounter segregation during education. They do not encounter other children, they lose the opportunity to escape from the environment of generational poverty. It is not just a historical, cultural or economic question. It is first and foremost a deeply moral question. The consequences of segregation in schools are humiliating and dehumanizing. First of all, politicians can change it. However, they are failing miserably, and the result is that, according to the data of the European Union, Slovakia is the worst in terms of segregation among the member states. And the situation continues to worsen.

Slovakia and Roma Education

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The Slovak Ministry of Education launched a pilot project where Roma children are taught in Romanes. This is a scandal and cementing the segregation of Roma in school. It certainly will not help integration.