Daily Archives: août 21, 2024

Slovenia: Lone Voice

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A lone voice in Slovenia setting context about the Roma “problem”. She states that a summer without particularly prominent problems with illegal migrants brought political activation at the expense of problems with another convenient group, the Roma, who, unlike the first, are considered some kind of imaginary “internal enemies”.

In brief, once is creating some scapegoats based on effective petty criminality, whose causes (exclusion and racism) are totally excluded.


Slovenia and the Roma “Problem”

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We will have to introduce a Slovenian chronicle, akin to the French Chronicle we have been doing due to the high number of articles on the Roma “problem” in the Slovenian press. Thes articles are divided pretty much along party lines. One side says that the issues, and the recent attacks are the result of the current government inaction, while the other side is more differentiated.

Here the view on the government inaction…

Slovakia: Work instead of Benefits

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The project of the current Slovak government to cut benefits of people who refuse job offers, clearly aimed at Roma, is receiving praise in some of the country’s press. Much is done of the “collaboration” and “approval” of the plenipotentiary for Roma.

Fact is, this is very much inspired from neighbouring Hungary where the so-called közmunka – communal work – sees people enrolled in 19th century type of work with 19th century results.

