Daily Archives: août 28, 2024

Greece and Roma

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A horrible article relating the violent burglary of a German’s house near Corinth, Greece. This is the start of a diatribe against Roma, with all stereotypes, advocating stricter laws, deprivation of civil rights, and cuts of social benefits.


Slovenia: Civil Initiative

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Since in their views, the state’s measures in the field of solving the Roma problem have been unsuccessful, the Regional Civil Initiative for solving the Roma problem demands that the government invite them to a meeting within a month. “We want to check whether they will accept the proposals formulated by the 11 mayors of the southeast region,” explained Silva Mesojedec: “If the government does not accept us, we will no longer prevent the creation of village guards and other forms of organizing residents.”

The proposal was refused on the grounds that it singled out a minority, i.e. was not conform to the constitution.

Slovenia: Paranoia

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During a municipal holiday in a town in Slovenia, visitors were faced with a list of items that they could not bring with them. These included even umbrellas. Apparently, the authorities were concerned that Roma could start a riot …

Slovenia: Another point of View

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An article that brings it to the point. It says that politicians and media speak as if the Slovenian side is doing everything for Roma, and now Roma themselves must take a step forward and prove themselves morally to the state.

Slovenian state institutions, from centres for social work through schools to ministries, do implement certain programs, but they are not coordinated among themselves and in most cases, they do not cooperate with the Roma when drawing up plans.

In reality, Roma often do not have a water supply or electricity in their settlements, nor are these legally regulated. Their children face discrimination in schools, the school system does not take into account their language needs and finally they are excluded due to failure, which is often the result of language problems. Thus, we blame the Roma for not sending their children to school, and throw out the Roma children who are in school.
