Daily Archives: septembre 5, 2024

Czechia: Children’s Book

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Czechia: Children’s Book

The illustrated book Jekh, duj, trin! [One, two, three!] introduces children to the everyday life and traditions of an ordinary Roma family and prepares them to enter school.

Well, with a few stereotypes…

Glasgow: Ando Glaso Roma Fest

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Glasgow: Ando Glaso Roma Fest

Glasgow is gearing up for the return of Ando Glaso Roma Fest 2024, promising a rich program of music, dance, film and cultural workshops. Taking place on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th September, this two-day festival will welcome talented artists from across the UK and Europe and offer visitors a unique insight into the rich and diverse Roma culture.

NGOs and Roma

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NGOs and Roma

The Roma Council of the City of Brno (RRB) expressed serious concern over the selection of Martin Máša as the new director of the IQ Roma service organization. According to the council, a long-term problem is that Roma themselves are not included in leadership positions in organizations that focus on helping Roma.

Nothing new, unfortunately…
