Daily Archives: septembre 13, 2024

Slovakia and Politics

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Viliam Tankó (29) won last year’s election to the parliament for the Slovakia movement, also thanks to the fact that he is a Roma. He is not ashamed of his origin. However, he recently left the party and admits that he faces accusations and criticism after leaving Igor Matovič’s movement. He stated that “I left because the relations between us became dull and the cooperation with, for example, older colleagues in the movement was not always ideal.”

Slovenia and Violence

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In the Novo Mesto region of Slovenia, a 48 years old man entered a school and beat up a Roma child. Well, the man is not a Rom, and, according to the article, “The police continue to gather information and determine all the circumstances. In order to clarify all the circumstances, they will conduct interviews with representatives of the school, children and parents. Based on the findings, appropriate action will be taken against the 48-year-old.”

Spot the issue? Just imagine it had been the other way around.

Slovenia, the Police, and Roma

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The Slovenian police union demanded that a member of the Parliament of the Svoboda Movement, Sara Žibrat, publicly apologize to all police officers for the doubts and unverified statements she made at one of the sessions in the Parliament. During the debate, Žibratova drew attention to information that the police officers in Kočevje allegedly beat up a minor Roma. The union strongly rejected her insinuations and emphasized that the supervision of the work of the police officers did not show any irregularities, nor was there any evidence that Roma were beaten.

Well ……
