Daily Archives: novembre 26, 2024

Slovenia and Access to Water

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Slovenia and Access to Water

Representatives of Amnesty International Slovenia, Roma organizations and Roma people warned at a press conference in Ribnica that a fifth of Roma settlements in Slovenia still do not have drinking water, even though the right to water is guaranteed as a human right under the constitution. They therefore called on the government with a special petition to provide water where it is not yet available.

Slovenia and Roma Settlements

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Slovenia and Roma Settlements

An interview of Jasna Hudorovič, a 60-year-old Romni who was born to a single mother in Gornje Lepovče, Ribnica. She has now lived in the Roma settlement in Goriča Vas near Ribnica for forty years and has been without water and electricity her entire life.

This says it all …

Slovakia: Roma Strategy

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Slovakia: Roma Strategy

The non-legislative document Action Plans for the Strategy for Equality, Inclusion and Participation of Roma by 2030 for the years 2025-2027 was submitted to the interdepartmental commentary procedure. The strategy highlights a set of starting points and goals that aim to stop the segregation of Roma communities, a significant positive turn in the social inclusion of Roma, non-discrimination, changing attitudes and improving coexistence.

But it also pushes for de-facto segregated schools by promoting teaching in Romanes.
