Daily Archives: novembre 28, 2024

Slovenia: Humour?

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Slovenia: Humour?

A Slovenian Radio produced a “humorous” video clip as a parody of a new measure introduced by the Slovenian government about the right to disconnect, i.e. the right not to answer emails.

Their parody involves a debt-ridden Rom who tapped into the water supply and complains about the water “cutoff”.


Slovenia: Campaign against Racism

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Slovenia: Campaign against Racism

The Slovenian government campaign Together against anti-Gypsyism has upset residents living near Roma, as well as Roma. The Government Office for Nationalities explained that by announcing a prize-winning competition for children and youth entitled Together against anti-Gypsyism, they want to tackle so-called anti-Gypsyism, which is an internationally accepted and established term.

In communes with a Roma minority, people have started protesting saying “what will a 4th grader in SE Slovenia, who has a Roma classmate four years older than him, who bullies him every day and demands money from him, think about this prize game?”

Italy: School Controversy

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Italy: School Controversy

A controversy started in Reggio Emilia where the Municipality has budgeted for the next three years a figure of one million euros dedicated to the school integration of Roma, Sinti and Caminanti students.

Opposition (mostly the Lega) are criticising this subsidy saying that other students should also benefit and decrying the “waste of money”.
