Daily Archives: décembre 16, 2024

UNESCO Exhibition

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UNESCO Exhibition

The exhibition called “Ma Bistras” [let’s not forget] is based on the work of Luigi Toscano, who photographed and interviewed the last survivors of the Roma and Sinti genocide and their descendants to record their history, character and strength, and to draw attention to what happened to them.

Council of Europe, Hungary, and Roma

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Council of Europe, Hungary, and Roma

From 10 to 13 December 2024, the Roma and Travellers Division of the Council of Europe, in cooperation with the Department for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, the Agent of the Hungarian Government before the ECHR and the Hungarian police authorities, organised a training of trainers based on the toolkit for police officers, focusing on the Council of Europe standards on racially motivated crimes and non-discrimination.

Well… Discrimination in Hungary is rampant. And the government has done nothing in the last 20 years against it…

North Macedonia: Unequal Opportunities

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North Macedonia: Unequal Opportunities

“The poorest areas (ghettos) or suburban areas are poorly developed neighbourhoods with poorly built houses, without access to water, sewage, paved roads, electricity and other basic public services available in the modern world. All this contributes to creating an unequal starting point and life opportunities compared to other citizens living in a developed neighbourhood, settlement, district or city. “Due to poor housing conditions, a series of other social problems arise, such as social exclusion, insufficient inclusion of children in education, difficulties in accessing work, health, social rights and other public services,” says the Commission for Prevention and Protection against Discrimination on the occasion of International Human Rights Day.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Almost no news in the French press about Roma this week. A French researcher, Lise Foisneau, who has been sharing the daily life with travellers in France for the last ten years, has created an online resource that lists all the known victims of the community during World War Two. Unfortunately, as most French, they still do not understand the differences between groups and the fact that these are mostly Roma.
