Daily Archives: janvier 21, 2025

Czechia and Education

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Czechia and Education

Czech Education Minister Mikuláš Bek has presented the new Framework Education Programs (RVPs) for nursery and primary schools which are supposed to strengthen the connection between knowledge and skills and focus on reducing inequality in the Czech education system. For the first time ever, institutions focused on supporting the Romani minority have significantly contributed to the design of the programs.

Let’s see what this brings. Schools are still segregated…

Charter 77

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Charter 77

The human rights movement Charter 77 published a significant document, “The Status of Gypsies and Roma in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic”, which is presented by Charter 77 signatory, former chairwoman of the Helsinki Committee and former public defender of human rights Anna Šabatová.

Slovakia and Minorities

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Slovakia and Minorities

A blog entry saying that politicians who would like to unseat the current prime minister Fico should reach out to the Hungarian and Roma minorities of the country, as they make up to one million people. And reach out to them not just two weeks prior to the elections…

Slovakia, Settlements, and Water

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Slovakia, Settlements, and Water

A reportage on a Roma settlement in Slovakia with 3’000 residents, and only one well. Apparently, 6 water points were built with EU funds, but none of them work. Here, they say they are repeatedly damaged by vandals.
