Daily Archives: mars 23, 2025

Slovenia: Attack

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Slovenia: Attack

Slovenske novice writes today that after Saturday’s Ceca concert, three young Roma attacked an innocent man from Brežice. Due to numerous punches and kicks, he has a broken nose, a broken finger on his left hand, and an injury to his shoulder…

Bad for all.

Veľký Šariš

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Veľký Šariš

In cooperation with the government’s plenipotentiary for Roma communities, Alexander Dašek the city administration is working on a housing solution for the people who lost their homes in the fire in the Roma settlement.

Lunik IX and Education

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Lunik IX and Education

Michaela Cingeľová, a unique teacher who decided to go to teach at the Ľudmila Podjavorinská Elementary School in Luník IX four years ago. This is one of the most notorious ghettos in Slovakia.

 In addition, she founded a project in her hometown that makes Roma children look forward to going to school on Saturdays.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Quite a few articles this week in the French press about Roma. Mostly about a Roma camp near Nantes in Western France. Roma in this camp, in Carquefou have been summoned to leave. The issue, they cannot leave with their 131 caravans, as the access road is blocked. No comment.

In Nantes, in another camp, a fire started and in the same city, an organisation is worried about the living conditions in Roma camps. Still in Western France, an exhibition aims at building bridges between Roma and the local population. In Annecy, in the Alps, a camp reopened. In South of France, a German tourist geolocalised his stolen iPad in a Roma camp.

